A President's Musings on War

Day 602, 18:26 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

Today was a long day. I logged on to "WTF BBQ WE'RE BEING ATTACKED!". I knew this would be one of "those" days.

The defense of Canadian held Nova Scotia was going fine. We'd lowered the wall to 10k and then PEACE came and did a bit of tanking. They got the wall to 115k. I went to Eugene Harlot, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and said "fire up the tanks!", and we were off. Except, we weren't. Server problems happened and unfortunately we lost. Is the server entirely to blame? No. Could the Admins use better servers? You betcha. Do we need to tank earlier next time? I'd say so. Is this the end of the e-world? Not a shot.

Right now, we're being attacked in Alaska. Russia, with some friends from our attacks on their regions back in yesteryear, has begun their offensive. PEACE seems to really want some American soil, eh? So far, no real extreme fighting has gone on... PEACE hasn't tanked, America hasn't tanked, and heck, we're not even really fighting there. I'd like to remind citizens to follow battle orders!. If you are in the military, the orders from your commander always super-cede anyone else's, even mine. If you're not in the military, check this paper, the paper of Eugene Harlot, or download Publius' Script (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/50385) to get updated information. Publius' script is a really great invention, and we owe him a great amount of thanks for it.

This is going to be a long and hard war. The number one rule during this war should be listening. Don't fight early in the day if you don't need to. Listen for orders. If we're attacked and everyone uses their fights in Hawaii and Florida gets attacked, we have to call in tanks. That's not helpful at all. Also, don't fight in any United Kingdom Wars!. Those wars are just training wars and, for the moment, we have bigger priorities. Never fight in any wars involving the United Kingdom.

Don't panic and remain vigilant, USA, we'll get through this.

Tradition Pictures

From "The Patriot Girls", whatever the hell that is.


Harrison Richardson
President of the United States