A Predicament...

Day 1,092, 19:22 Published in South Africa South Africa by South African Freeman
Genesis and Mission
To Compromise, or to Resist?


After an absence, I have returned. Dealing with RL scenarios, the time also provided me an opportunity to reorganize, re-prioritize, and restructure. To my luck, there was not much to comment on regardless.

With the Party President Elections passed, it seems as though the Hungarians would have the upper hand. They won the PP position in every party available. However, there are two major counterpoints to that thought.

1.The True South Africans will always make a new political party, and will always have the numbers to place it within the Top 5 parties, which allows the True South Africans to still run legitimate Congress candidates.

2.The Hungarian PTO'ers have lost their homeland.

While the former shows the strength of the True South Africans, the latter is the more important one at this point in time. See, while the Hungarian PTO'ers have been siphoning funds from our country, they were not able to fully support their own country, during its vain struggle to stay on the map from an unforgiving assault by the EDEN super-alliance.

If you do not understand quite yet, allow me to explain. See, when a country loses its place on the eWorld map, it is in a difficult predicament. If, by the next Congressional Election, it does not have a region in its name, there will be no Congressmen for that country. This effects many things, the main point being citizenship. Without any Congressmen to approve citizenship applications to Hungary, the game has no choice but to grant every applicant Hungarian citizenship, in what most call 'free/open citizenship'. When this happens, the other alliance, EDEN in this case, will have one thing on their mind – Political Take-Over. Yes my fellow countrymen, our aggressors, our oppressors, have been threatened with the very thing they practice.

See, this puts the Hungarian PTO'ers into a difficult spot. In the event Hungary falls to 'open citizenship', our aggressors will have a difficult choice to make.
They can either:

A. Give up the eSA PTO, move to Hungary, and show their loyalty to their country by fighting for its ownership. This would show that they still care about their own country, but the price of abandoning the eSA PTO will be heavy.

B. Continue the eSA PTO, ignoring the pleas for help from their true countrymen, and disgrace not only themselves, but their Hungarian brothers. This doesn't even measure in the fact that the PTO is soon to fall, regardless. All of that sacrifice, all for naught.

See, if 'open citizenship' is inflicted upon Hungary, the Hungarian PTO'ers will have to decide: Whether they fall prey to the Deadly Sin of Pride, or the Deadly Sin of Greed.