A Politician, an Architect and a Dog Walk into a Bar

Day 671, 19:46 Published in USA USA by Rex Object

I don't believe it would be yet another booze-and-coke-fueled exaggeration to inform you that earlier today I wrote what was quite possibly the greatest piece of American literature created in this or any other generation. It was a tightly-knit morality play set in a waterfront Maine strip club/pawn shop starring me (of course,) Karl Rove and a dog with a meth problem named Butterface (the dog's name was Butterface; the meth problem's name was "Serious.")

Those golden words, however, were lost to history when the electronic etch-a-sketch that is the eRep word processor went into an endless logic loop when confronted with their genius, and so yadda yadda yadda what follows instead are some proposed campaign signs for my Congressional run (thanks to Alee Ann for providing today's filler material.)

Let me know what you favorite/least disturbing one is in the comments, and I promise I'll put up something a little less lazy tomorrow. Or maybe not. I've got this hangover, you see. It's the burden of genius.

Update: One more...