A Plot Revealed

Day 1,501, 14:56 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Marcotje

Hello eReaders!

When we lost Peninsular Malaysia during the congress elections, we knew this wasn't a coicidence. We knew our Turkish PTOers worked together with the PTOers in Singapore but we didn't have any proof. Only one Turkish candidate was running in Peninsular Malaysia which only had one vote and wouldn't qualify, because it was Christmas, I wasn't able to act fast enough to secure our region and so we knew there was a plot.

Fortunately for me, not all Turks are loyal to our PTOers. Thanks to this Turk I was able to finally get the proof behind the plot.

Here you can see Morphine in the chat with the Turks. Morphine is part of the Singaporean PTO (Thanks to Ankor Jael for the confirmation). This shows the Singaporean PTOers talk with our PTOers. Probably they are also part of eSingapores plan to get to eIndia. Guess where I heard those plans?

Not only that but like you can see in the banner: DONT FIGHT AT SABAH RW, they support the Singaporean PTOers by not fighting for our resistance, to get our region back.

