A pleasant ride

Day 582, 17:57 Published in Netherlands Brazil by Dio Jazar

Concordia res parvae crescunt

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English Version
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Category: Serious

Dear readers,

the last two days were exciting days for our country. The government of the United States threatened to disturb the joyful merger between the countries of Belgium and the Netherlands. By starting two Resistance Wars, first in Walloon and a second one in Brussels, and sending their military to fight against the wish of the players of both the Dutch and Belgian nationality they brought turmoil to our country.
However, looking back at the events of the past two days this roaller coaster was a pleasant ride.

Regions Secured
First of all we are glad to say that both regions have been secured. The first one with a wall of about 33.000 bricks, the second one with approximately 76.000 stones.

Victory in Walloon

Victory in Brussels

Thank you
This is a good achievement for a small country like the United Netherlands and there are several people and nations I want to thank for this.

My citizens
Citizens of the United Netherlands, you fought bravely and united! These two days have brought us closer together and spurred activity in our country. Continue with such enthusiasm and don't forget to vote during the elections tomorrow!
I'm honoured to be your president.

The Nations of PEACE GC
Dear allies, dear friends. You showed once again the strength of our alliance: unity. I didn't even have to ask for support, it was offered before I could ask. I've seen soldiers from every country of our alliance fight for this country, often as a part of their military, often on their own initiative. I once again feel proud to have such great friends, proud to see such strong bonds between our countries. I could name each country and every citizen, but the servers would probably overload. Thus I say, without any shame: I love you all.

Freedom Fighters
Besides the Nations of PEACE GC also soldiers from other countries joined the defense of this Union. I thank you for your efforts and recognizing the good cause. Thanks!

And last but not least, the USA. Trying to disrupt our Union for no apparent reason, you brought a lot of fun and activity to our country. You showed how the Belgians and Dutch fight together as the United Netherlands against the soldiers your brought to our country. You opened two magnificent training opportunities and benefitted our economy. Some of your soldiers even fought on the Green Side, a move that I admire. Thanks!

Media Entertainment
As a reminder of this short war, I want to list some good reads for your entertainment:
The first and toprated article about the RWs
A special welcome to the Marines
The Belgian call for Unity
Official orders with an entertaining bonus
http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=13367 The topic on the UK forums, which got me to stop lurking and register so I could post a comment.
 And finally, an empty spot for all articles in the US Media and US Forums. Because there was litteraly not a single article or topic on the subject, a great way to stay uninforme😛


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