A pitfall for beginners. A Must Read!

Day 875, 04:35 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Materialistic

Many new citizens in erepublik are unable to understand the fundamental rule of Fighting, healing in a hospital and maintaining wellness. So here I decided to write on how to fight and how much to fight.

For every fight a citizen looses 10 wellness. And that can be recovered by healing in a hospital. The amount of wellness that a hospital can recover depends on the Quality of hospital. A Q1 hospital offers a max of 10 wellness similarly a Q5 hospital can only heal upto 50. And by the way Healing in a hospital is free.

But a person cannot fight if the wellness level is below 40. So dont fight once your wellness has reached 40 and then heal yourself in a Q5 hospital.

Always fight in a region with Q5 hospital and don't fight more than the limit of wellness a hospital can offer if in case you are fighting in a region with hospitals less than level Q5.

The most common mistake that new citizens make is that they fight to the max and then heal but after healing they fight again thinking that they will recover next day which is impossible.

Rule of thumb:

1- A hospital can only heal the amount of wellness lost in a battle.

2- A hospital can only heal if the person has fought on the very same day.

3- A hospital can only recover the amount of wellness lost in battle on that particular day not the loss of previous day's fights.

The moral of the story: Don't fight once you have healed!

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I hope it helps.

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Best of luck
& Regards.

Minister of Education.