A perfectly normal day...

Day 670, 20:55 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius

The title is a total lie! You may have noticed things are in-fact crazy and chaotic, lets review!

ZOMG like stuff can happen
So since I took office I have been doing my best to turn this war around. The combined allied brain trust (including me and the JCS) have spent hours trying to figure our how to turn things around. However we all knew that regaining the initiative was going to be tough and require sacrifices on all sides. So what was the plan?

Step 1: Win in Canada, this wasn't a must but it was sure awesome, I did a little dance when I saw what some combined allied damage could do. If you haven't seen the video watch the allies pummel that wall.
Step 2: Scandinavia did a little region swapping. The end surprise was Norway attacking Russia, thus blocking them.
Step 3: We get out of Arkansas and Missouri and watch Colorado end. We then proceed to get the initiative against Russia.
Step 4: The retribution begins, we attack Oklahoma and Missouri \O/
Step 5: By now PEACE is freaking out all over their office. ZOMG the US president and the allies have a brain *collective gasp*
Step 6: We attack Illinois, Chicago Cubs anyone?
Step 7: We all exit the auditorium for intermission.
Step 8: PEACE finishes their mind meld and comes up with a new strategy. Russia retreats Illinois, France decides to man up and attack Delaware. I ban French fries and toast from the US diet.
Step 9: RW fever starts and we start a party in Texas.
Step 10: I get tired of having the University of Delaware Blue Hens in our country so I retreat Delaware. The attack Arkansas.
Step 11: France decides the Udel hens aren't enough and attacks Maryland as well. I prefer Virginia to Maryland so I see France taking it as awesome, adios Maryland.
Step 12: The Canadians help out and start their own party in New Mexico (Ironman RH!!!)
Step 13: To conclude the days festivities we start a battle in sweet home Alabama.

PEACE headquarters the whole day

Summary: Allies take peace to town, score some big wins and turn around Russia and Colombia, PEACE gets desperate and throws France in the fray.

Today was another day of battle after battle, I could do another break down of everything, but I do have a life. So lets see what the score was for the battles started yesterday.
New Mexico-Win (Allies)
Texas-Win (Allies) Goodbye Colombia get out of our country
Arkansas-WIn (Allies)
Alabama-Win (Allies) Gold can't buy you a new border with Florida...sorry
West Virginia*-Win (PEACE) Virginia is better anyway.
FINAL SCORE: Allies 5 vs PEACE 1

bet peace wish they had one of those...

Some extra stuff

You may have noticed Norway and Finland did some cool flipping, this will allow Norway to continue to block Russia should anything happen to us. In addition I started some more battles to keep you guys occupied, Connecticut and Wyoming are priorities.

Yes that's right the eUS gov't is now on twitter, a statement from my Sec of the Interior:
"We are unveiling a new method of staying up to date. Official orders are going to be expanded to the official eUS twitter account, @eRepUSA. Please create an account and follow us. Not only will official orders be updated on this account, but comments from the President and Military will be released here. You may also want to retweet the orders "RT" to make sure the word gets out."

The last few days have made me optimistic about our future. However as we have seen PEACE is pulling out all of the stops, keep it up US, cause...