A Noob-eye view of Erepublik and e-UK

Day 1,083, 23:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Snake321

Hey eUK,

On my first day here in the eUK I somehow managed to bumble my way onto the eUK IRC channel and found two very helpful TUP members, one being the current president the other being a Mr Ian Keers.

Their advice was to start a newspaper as one of the first things to do as a citizen. So here it is!

I found my way here by chance of a link posted by Mr Rozzeh, and was impressed by the community and how intricate the entirety of Erepublik was... But I wasn't really sure of how to get into the meat of it?

Its a bit daunting when you first come here, you either see the basic game where its two clicks and your done for the day, and you can quickly lose interest, as a lot is done above your head and its difficult to break into a ready-made community...

Or you come in, and realise the depth of the place with alliances and jobs and politics, yet there's no sure-fire way of "making your name" so to speak.

Any ways, as far as I can see it, there's no avoiding it, eUK is in an unstable period... One of the major parties seem to be in meltdown, condolences to the RFA, however it is clear that their party was inherently unstable. Hopefully the remnants of the party can bring some kind of clear structure to the party in order to reform and be reborn in a much more successful form.

I have joined the UKRP, as I by definition am more right wing than left, (sorry Ian) and wouldn't be able to stand the constant Tory/right winger bashing. xD Its a party which may have been seen to have had a period of uncertainty itself, with election results less than what was desired, however the structure is sound with a long and prosperous history, and I sense the largest amount of inopportune here.

The community and characters there are great as well.

Internationally, it seems as though things flow along naturally, alliances break, alliances strengthen. Canada's aggressiveness will be tempered soon enough no doubt as they realise their attacks are for naught.

Phoenix seems to be doing well as of late, generally. However I haven't yet grasped fully the economics of erepublik, as far as I can tell the UK only has the one resource, that is grain... Which a lot of other countries seem to have lots of too? Maybe one of the great economic minds perusing this article can explain where or how eUK is heading economically...

Anyway, I think that ends this article for today. Hopefully I will continue to update this and keep a steady flow going.

So goodbye, and hope you enjoyed reading or gained some insight at all!