A Non Paranoid Look At The Possible War

Day 601, 09:35 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

First off I am not a member of PEACE nor am I member of the president's cabinet. I don't have all the information that the president and Eugene has, however I didn't have all the information last month and I was still able to tell that the whole PTO attempt was just a bunch of hot air. Last month Glados said the U.S. would fall on June 15th, this was the date of the PP elections and the administration got all worked up about this one guy running for party president of the UIP saying that he was a PEACE drone. Now PTOing a party presidential seat is pointless in the sense that yes the PP can control who runs but they can't restrict people from running unless multiple people from the party want to run in the same state. So worse case scenario a few UIP members wouldn't be able to run in the congress election in the larger states. The attempt however came nowhere close to succeeding, not because the whole country responded to the threat but because their really wasn't a threat.


As you can see the PEACE "threat" only got 17% of the vote while Ansen only got 40 more votes then he did in last months election. That is completely normal and there were no signs of a PTO attempt whatsoever, the only real basis for this was the fact that Glados said America would crumble on June 15th.

Now Glados says America will crumble on July 15th and America is running for cover. Our administration sees that Indonesia is working their way towards Hawaii and that Hungary now borders Canada and is doing everything they can to gear this nation up for what they call an inevitable invasion. While I admit it is unnerving having Indonesia border Hawaii I am not worried at all of them making a serious invasion of the western United States because of the simple reason everyone is over looking Indonesia does not need to border the U.S. to attack the U.S.. We currently have an open war with Portugal and France from a long time ago, both countries had MPPs with Indonesia and both of them could launch an offensive into the east with the help of Indonesia.

Attacking from the west would most likely just be a diversion if anything. Indonesia knows that they won't be able to hold out alone against the U.S. and all their allies should they attack one of the U.S. regions and they also know that opening up those MPPs would jeopardize some of their claims in Asia that the U.S. could attack without activating MPPs, however just holding Japan does two things for Peace, one it makes America hit the panic button and prepare for an invasion of the west, and two it blocks off any chance of the U.S. expanding into Japan.

If we are going to see a massive invasion its most likely going to be on the east coast with France and Portugal going after New Jersey and Florida respectively to take out two of our Q5 hospitals and trap the majority of our military behind enemy lines. Now I would be more worried about losing Florida since that region has more people then New Jersey and has a much higher risk of being Invaded. France will only have 3 allies when they invade but Portugal will have 9. What we would probably see is France attack New Jersey to get all the American's and their allies to fight and then have Portugal attack Florida so most of PEACE can fight after most American's are done. We may win the first few days but its important to realize that if this were to happen PEACE could keep launching these assaults with all their allies until they succeed and they have the luxury of being able to spread us thin since they can attack so many regions at once.

All in all though I think we will be fine. Our allies should be enough deterrent to hold off Indonesia in the west and Canada's should be able to hold off Hungary should they try to invade North America, the only place PEACE poses a real threat is on the East Coast and even then we should be able to hold them back, they may manage to take a region or two however as long as we can refrain from attacking Portugal or France again we can keep growing our MPPs to help us defend and take back any regions we lose. Still this could just all be a distraction like it was last month, from what I am not sure of however it benefits PEACE on a global scale to have us clamp down in fear of invasion and not divert resources to another country.