A New Way: My Presidential Platform

Day 955, 15:03 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

Israel, this month will be one of the most important months to be president. Tensions have run high in eIsrael, quite recently, and as a close friend of both of the sides, I have to say it's gone on far too long. There is too much bickering, too much quarrelling, and not enough work being done. I want eIsrael to be something more, a unified, tightly bound country. We can have different parties, but that doesn't mean we have to have a constant rivalry. We can work together for the betterment of eIsrael. That's what we all want, right?

When I set out to be president, I wanted to make sure that by the time I left, the fighting would be over. Shalom and UZP, the main sides in this conflict, both have extremely respected and dignified members of eIsrael, and it is a shame to see them fight. I, and most other Lantern Society members, have shied away from all this fighting, mainly because it only adds fuel to the fire. I have always been on the outside looking in. The fights were never started because of something I or my party did, because we are the third party. Small enough not to be noticed, big enough to be considered. I have seen the fighting, and the ridicule, and the embarrassment that many members have had to go through, and I want it to stop.

I like both Franz Kafka and Gavin, and I know they would be great presidents, but I do not think that they themselves, or maybe not even themselves, their party, will let this go. I feel that if one side gains the presidency, and they do nothing to fix the rift, eIsrael will be facing some tough times and hard choices. If I become president, my number one goal will be to unify eIsrael, starting with the complete translation of all government articles, and the forums. All announcements, and all documents. A fully functioning translating team. But I will not try to unify eIsrael under the slogan "RL American and RL Israeli unity". No, I will not. Why? It makes it seem like there is a difference between us, and there isn't. We are all on the same level, we are all eIsraelis. RL has nothing to do with it. The only barrier we need to overcome is the language barrier, and if we do that, we can quite possibly do anything we set our minds to.

Yes, it will be hard. But we need to persevere. It is better to have tried and failed, then not to have tried at all. But if we do fail, it won't be a failure in the regular sense. We TRIED to make a difference, and that is what will change our course. That people tried to unify us, and maybe that will be an inspiration to future leaders, and future governments, to do the same. I want that my government, my cabinet, to be the mediator, the peacemaker, with the power to sit down and talk to each side, understand each side, and ultimately, bring them together under one banner; The eIsrael Banner. This is my future for eIsrael, this is my hope. I want it for us, because I don't know any other country, that besides for the fighting, can stick together in the toughest situations, through thick and thin. We've proved that together we're strong. United we stand, Divided we fall.

Now, onto V2.

V2 will be implemented, supposedly, the day after the elections, on July 6th, Tuesday. eIsrael, and the rest of the world, will be in chaos. Economies will be in turmoil, militaries and governments will struggle to keep a grip on things, and a new round of EDEN-Phoenix battles will start. Frequent server shut downs and glitches will plague the first days of the "New" New World. We will need to be ready. I have been preparing for months for V2, compiling all the information I could, making eIsrael informed on what needs to be done. We'll need some new ideas to propel eIsrael forward, such as:

1. Combining the V2 Preparedness Team with the Israeli Ministry of Development. Together, they will work to inform the new players and citizens on V2, and give them important advice and ideas so that we can thrive in V2. Also, when eIsrael's economy needs to be put under control, they will work with the Ministry of Finance to organize skills and training, to make sure that eIsrael has enough jobs, and that the job market isn't thrown out of whack in the opening stages of V2.

2. Cabinet Responsibility. Each Ministry will be responsible for their own sector of V2. The Ministry of Finance will be tasked with monitoring the job market, marketplace, and monetary market. They will take censuses and keep records of the different skills of eIsrael, and calculate what we will need. This will take a huge amount of manpower, which will be provided. On top of getting the job done, it will empower citizens and get them involved in the government, and teach them valuable leadership skills.

2.A. The Minister of Defense will be tasked with overseeing the military side of V2, as well as the regular military operations happening through the world. The MoD will be like a newspaper, giving reports on the operations and maneuvers allies and enemies alike are using on the battlefield, and which battles mean what for each nation involved. Is it a land swap? Is it a rental? Is it a betrayal? All these questions the MoD will answer. On top of that, the MoD must oversee the military skills of it's soldiers, much like MoF, but on a small scale. They must calculate what will be needed, as well as work out detailed strategies for eIsrael's maps, when they come out.

2.C. The Minister of Foreign Affairs will be tasked with talking with allies and learning from their strategies. By doing this, eIsrael will learn valuable information and strategies to operate during V2, and how to make eIsrael function better.

3. The Census.

With V2, New Player integration and retention will be a necessity. They will also need to be informed. An informed public is a smart public. Sometimes, Media just doesn't cut it. I will try, again, this is just an idea, because the feat is enormous, to create an organized, large version of the eIDF. And by large, I mean with 2383 people in it's ranks. This will not be a citizen's army, although it can be used as such. It will be used to distribute messages and information to all the citizens. Rosters will be kept, to make sure who speaks what language better. It will use a type of Mayoral system. I will appoint 10, probably more, citizens to keep track and roster each and every one of the citizens of these nations. How? Very easily, actually. All our citizens and then some are displayed on the Top Citizens page. Copy and pasting is a beautiful thing. We keep track of the citizens on an Excel Roster, and use the Mass Mailer( Weapons of Mass Distribution) to mail information. The "Mayors" will also act as mentors. They will work with other interns in the "Sector", meaning all of the players they are responsible for, to distribute food and other supplies to those who need it, and to keep track of all the citizens, ask them how they are doing, etc. This will be my most ambitious project, and I hope it will work. And if I can't complete it, I hope I'll do enough so that other presidents can finish it.

Foreign Policy

Moving right along. Foreign Policy, and speaking and communicating with allies, is one of the most important aspects of being President of eIsrael. eIsrael relies heavily on it's allies to help it through hard times. Now, that Turkey is officially at peace with us, we're not as in danger as we were before, but we still need to keep our current alliances, minus Greece. We don't want another open war. So, now it's time for eIsrael to give back, now that we are at peace.

Perfect.Knight and I attended many Sol Meetings, and I spoke personally with many of the delegates from different countries. I like their new idea of Sol, if it ever comes to fruition. I have heard through the grapevine that it might just disband, and not be recreated. If that happens, there is not much we can do about it, so let's focus on the positive side.

The new Sol will be a defensive alliance, not a neutral alliance. There is a different. A defensive alliance bears no distinction between Phoenix or EDEN. If the alliance is attacked, the alliance will defend no matter what. It is not a neutral alliance because we are more EDEN aligned. Being a Defensive Alliance, we can assert that we stand by EDEN, but we will not attack unless attacked first.

I like the new Sol. The old Sol was too heavily reliant on bureaucracy and politics. Jelly, the mastermind of the new Sol, wants the "New" Sol to be more military reliant, with the Commander also acting as the leader of the alliance. I like this new twist on things. An alliance is just that, a military alliance. We have to help each other grow, and we can only do so if we're free. Having a fully functioning, organized SolDiers will help us greatly. I see eIsrael contributing much to this new alliance, and we should definitely stay within it. Sol cannot hurt us. It doesn't give anything, but we can give something to it. We can help it grow, so that it does become strong one day, and then we can say that we were a part of that.

The eIDF

I like PK, and I liked his term. He was a good president. But one thing I disagree with is his handling of the eIDF( I'm not saying he's wrong, I just disagree). If I become president, I will work closely with military minds like Joshua Hoss and Maelyn to get the ball rolling for V2, and also to rebuild the eIDF so it can become the functional fighting force it deserves to be. The eIDF is eIsrael's fighting force, and therefore, no exclusions can be made. The only impediment you will have in the eIDF is if you're lazy. Nothing else. Not ethnicity, not nationality, not what language you speak. We are all eIsraelis, regardless of RL associations. We all deserve to be a serving and contributing member to the eIDF, and that means a multi-cultural team of soldiers. Of course, for practical reasons, Americans and Israelis will be split into different squads and platoons. The reason for this is that Israelis and Americans are in different time zones, and therefore, aren't awake at the same times. The whole platoon will need to up and at 'em to function well. But that will be the only separation.

The V2 side of the eIDF will be a joint effort between the MoD( I am including General in the MoD, just for now) and MoFA. The MoD will brainstorm ideas and strategies, while the MoFA will gather strategies and innovations from our allies, and we will implement them together, as a seamless battle doctrine. So, my main goals for my presidency are as follows;

1. Establish a more unified eIsrael.

2. More citizen involvement and help, increasing citizen retention, and also informing citizens of the confusing world that is V2.

3. Version 2 Preparedness.

4. Create a more functional eIDF.

5. Become more active on the world scale, and help influence Sol to make the alliance a truly great entity.

That is all for now, eIsrael. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or PM me in game, and I will answer them in an article on Sunday.


Your Presidential Candidate