A new threat to PEACEgc

Day 669, 18:36 Published in Indonesia Austria by Balkan Beast

eAussie citizens are actively becoming more intolerant of PEACE, this may develop into a war,
Apparently they have dumbed themselves down to the level the south africans did when they went against eIndo, And after their occupation they revolted alot. What did that get eSA? nothing, but when they turned to diplomacy, limpopo was returned. eAussie has most of it's territories now, All of which were gained through diplomacy, But now they want war after it was proven that it will hurt them?

This is Unforgivable that they would even consider it! If they rise against eIndo, They should be given the same level of respect they are giving Indonesia, None. They should be crushed brutally if they try to retake WA. This incident is being discussed in eMalaysia, eAus is a member of sol, & some support them in this matter, I am one of the ones that are against it, & i pray that eMalaysia remains smart enough to keep it's committment to neutrility.

I hope eAus doesn't try to invade, & I also hope that Sol stays out of the matter. We will see how these events unfold in the near future.