A New Era and How We Move Forward

Day 604, 02:46 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

A New Era for the Democratic Party

Democrats, we are witnessing the dawn of a new era not only for our party but our nation as a whole. With great humility I thank you for choosing me above all others to lead you into this bold new era. I will proudly take the banner of our party to the top of the highest mountain and shout our message for the world to hear. There is no turning back. We must continue to grow and develop not just as Democrats but as Americans. The Democratic Party will no longer be labeled as dead, inactive, weak, and only a shadow of it's former self. We have seen unprecedented activism and dedication to the ideals of our party. We know what we have in common with others and why we are different. We must not be anti-any party. We must be pro-American. We must take it upon ourselves to take the moral highground and not sink to politics of division, deceit, and demoralization. If we hold true to our values the future is bright indeed.

How America Must Move Forward

The World is in crisis. For the first time in our nations long history we have been attacked on our own soil. America has an opportunity in front of it. We can show the world that America is the military power our population shows it to be. We can prove to the world that America can win wars. We do not have to resort to the ways of Hungry and Indonesia to win wars. We win wars by fighting the American way. America can truly become the sleeping giant we know we are. But contrary to what seems to be popular belief that we have reached that potential there is one thing holding us back. Unity. In the recent days and days leading up to World War III we have adopted this mindset that the world is going to end unless we have a National Primary System TODAY. If Alaska proves anything that is false. I'm all for making America safe from PTO but I'm just not convinced the proposed system will succeed.

It speaks alot about how united we are when a citizen who respectfully disagrees in labeled "anti-American" and "unpatriotic". In America today a citizen who's opinion differs from your own is labeled a traitor to this great land. I call on all Americans to reject the current status quo of division, and to call out those who put personal gain above the wellfare of the nation. Citizens like Ajay Bruno will grow in number and power unless we as Americans choose the alternative. The alternative is to respect those who disagree with your plan for solving the issues we face today and always be willing to compromise. A nation as diverse and independent as America will not get far without the ability to compromise. In this New World there is no place for Liberal vs Conservative because it is about more than fighting the same battles we have been fighting for decades IRL.

We continue to sign on everyday not to fight the same old political battles we see everyday in RL. We can turn on the news for that. But here we have the ability to start over and learn from our past mistakes and build a better country from our experiences. One problem is that politicians talk about unity, transparency, and change but never act on it. With the dawn of a new America our leaders must stop talking and start acting like leaders. As President of the Democratic Party I will work with all my colleagues to build a stronger united America. The time for partisan attacks is over. The time for multipartisan unity is now.

PP of the Democratic Party