A New Day for Canada

Day 728, 15:02 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard
A New Day

As of today, it is safe to say that a new era is dawning in eRepublik. PEACE Global Community has collapsed, with its biggest members Indonesia, Hungary, Russia, Iran, Serbia, Turkey and Latvia having left the alliance as of today. The balance in power is severely disrupted, and it remains to be seen how the future will unfold. Whether there will be new alliances arising, or whether Eden too will dissolve now that the largest threat has been reduced to a rump that is but an unworthy match which would herald an age without international mega-alliances dominating the eWorld's politics. While Canada is still part of Eden and the Brolliance, which path we will henceforth tread upon is still open to, for it is a road into the future which we must pave now.

Canada, a Builder of Bridges

I believe that Canada as a traditionally very friendly and open nation we should make it our priority to warmly welcome former PEACE states now seeking a new orientation without again forcing them into the chains of a major alliance. Peace-loving, honourable states like Japan-South Korea, ones in peril and in dire need of a reliable ally like the United Netherlands or Germany, or ones who feel betrayed by the turns of events and their past allegiances and seek for a new destination, for example Italy and perhaps even France. Canada has the ability to reach out to all of these to make the eWorld a more friendly and empathetic place, whose politics and international relationships extend beyond the past concept of Alliance A versus Alliance B.

Relations with the United Kingdom

For this, it is necessary that we remain a peaceful nation opposed to all aggression and meaningless vengeance. I am well aware however that many Canadians lust for the blood of the British after their most disgraceful betrayal of all of their allies during World War 3 and see the weakness of PEACE as a welcome opportunity to take revenge on them for this despicable move. I believe that this does not mean that we will have to resort to the means which ones consumed our own fertile lands; instead, I would suggest that in accordance and agreement with the British government our two countries should engage in a regulated and limited war more akin to a game.

This could see both countries signing a contract stating that over the course of 30 days they will battle each other and that after the victor, who will either be the fist to wholly conquer the loser's territory or the party to hold the most enemy region at the end of the month, has been declared all occupied regions are orderly returned to their original owner over the course of another 30 days followed by a long-lasting peace treaty signed by both sides. This would allow both nations to live out the feelings which may have gathered over the past few months to cleanse them for the future while at the same time ensuring that the war will be a clean one for which none of the participants can be condemned by the rest of the eWorld and which will not cause disproportional harm to the people of both states.

Becoming an Export Nation

While I must admit that if I were to only consider myself I would love the CAD to remain as strong as it is right now since it enables one to purchase more gold to be spent for example on projects in other countries, it might indeed be necessary to in the future try and lower its value. Aside from making it more attractive for Canadians to buy goods in their own country, this would be a vital step towards becoming an export nation. Our land is blessed to possess High regions of four of the five raw materials, in contrast to others which may not even have a single one. While this makes us a delicate target for the expansion of imperialist states, it also grants us two most valuable chances. One being our ability to share our wealth with those who lack them which in turn would bring Canada profit and foreign currencies from the resulting manifold exports, but also be a guarantor of safety, as fewer countries would want to see their trade with us blocked by embargoes or lost to the raging flames of war.