A New Beginning - Read & RESPOND

Day 1,502, 18:53 Published in Pakistan Malaysia by dodial

A few days back, our beloved King Kualkerr was assassinated. Many articles and tributes have followed his demise. Today we shall get past the mourning.

Firstly, a few words for the great man.

Kualkerr was not just a legend, he was a phenomena. His presence, his influence, his aura seeped courage and moral into fellow citizens. The admin’s can take away his damage, they can ban his account but they cannot kill the legend. He is here to stay. And he will make his presence felt.

::::::- WHAT HAPPENS NEXT -::::::

With the King eDead, most men have lost moral, are fragmented and lost. However, we must not loose hope. There is hope, till even one of us is alive.
Just before his end, Kualkerr has started a campaign to re-unite all major forces of ePakistan under the SSG banner and the national flag.

We shall continue that mission with full vigour and commitment. Our aim is to

>>>> UNIFY &

the state of ePakistan. In the near future we shall take rapid steps to meet those targets. The first one is setting up a database of all loyal and active citizens. This database will form the core of many other structural programs.

All ePakistanis are requested to fill the form on the link below. Setting up this database is essential to making an effective feeding program and drafting military strategies. Upon registration, each citizen will be sent a private pin number. Keep that number safe with you because you will have to use it for future inputs. The PIN number would allow us to ensure the integrity of future data entries.

Citizen Database Registration Form

Finally, if anyone wants to propose additions to this base form, additional forms or wants to help out in the process, please contact me directly.

Yours Faithful,