A Moment of Reflection

Day 1,389, 08:39 Published in Japan Japan by Tetsuya Tameru

In light of some recent events, perhaps we should look at an aspect of Japanese culture often missed by foreigners. The concept of Hakanasa <儚>.

The Sakura is without why; She blooms, because She blooms. These Sakura outside my window makes no reference to former Sakura or to better ones; they are for what they are...there is no time for them....it is perfect in every moment of its existence.

We are who we are in this pivotal, fleeting existence. We have been wiped as a nation for the first time, but it was not permanent. We are already on the map again. Perhaps we should take this time to reflect upon just what we are as a nation, as opposed to what we are not. We are a place unlike any other on this eWorld. If you choose to leave because of this war, you will never find another place quite like eJapan.

Players will come and go, and its not about who we are going to be, or who we were, its who we are at this moment.

In this regard, let us take the wiping with another glass of sake, and lets watch the blossoms fall. Let us not despair, for all things change...

... And the world is still beautiful.