A Modest Proposal

Day 1,606, 22:05 Published in Egypt Egypt by Wizard of Az
It has come to my attention that the individuals in Egypt had become for a short time free and lively in their homeland. Naturally this form of freedom and progress is an insult to the world, why should we be so happy as we are weak!

Luckily our Cypriot overlords have took it upon themselves to fix the pesky "freedom problem". In a grand exchange called the Alexandria Accord... Cairo Conference Liberty Lease the Cypriots have seen it fit to divide up Egyptian home regions and provide for their return to the true owners of this land the Greeks, blessed be their names and everything they touch, in a time when they are done taking down the great menace of Bulgaria. Obviously the Bulgarians are a large threat, look how close they placed themselves to enemy countries!

Needing to find a way to pay for the occupation the Cypriots have graciously granted us a land to fornicate where we will be able to keep 1/4 of our stock for breeding purposes (far larger than any other farm animal!) But what of the other three fourths you say? Why they shall be taken off into the night to be eaten by the Cypriot lords to help cover our debt to them, after all our liberty does so place their resources in danger.

Tis a Modest price to pay to our Cypriot overlords, and should surely keep us rebellion free! So I urge you Egyptians stop modernizing, stop fighting smart, stop rallying around your great leaders and head on down to lower Egypt while the breeding's good! Do not attempt to rise up and demand freedom, that will only corrupt your soul!

Freedom for Some!
United we stand divided we some stupid word that kinda sounds out to be secrets I guess?