A message to Turkey

Day 441, 07:47 Published in Turkey Israel by Moshe Dayan

Right... you might be asking the same question that guy in the picture but I found this to be important to be published.

First, all the things you (Turks) think you know about me 90% of then are false, as I conveniently do on purpose, you can call it a strategy, so battalgazi I wasn't being honest with you but I think you did the same so it makes us even.

Secondly the point in all this is very simple and I'll explain.

Why Israelis and Greeks don't want to live in your country:
a) Xenophobia and antisemitism (post, comments, articles and views)
b) Turkish ultra-nationalist
c) Lack of democracy
d) Language barrier
e) And much more...

Because of all that I propose a simple solution, Turkey gives one to two regions on Greece and Israel and we pay you some gold for it and voilá all problems solved.

Isn't it great?

And we can even go further and add a regional alliance I called it TIGA (Turkish, Israeli and Greek Alliance) it's concept is fairly simple, protect each other from any military invasion or political takeovers.

But I guess you will never accept that, and since you guys won't accept it, I leave this little warning, you can do this the easy way or the hard way.

Witch one will you choose?

Remember every action has it's consequence.
No this isn't a threat it's a little reminder that your time is running out, choose what you want but don't complain when things start to happen.

Have a nice day...