A Message To India While India Still Has A Media

Day 1,054, 08:33 Published in India USA by Michael Porter
Dear people who still consider themselves Indian. You may have lost contact with family members in the Northwest Provinces recently. Many of them are OK. Many of them are not. Do not fear for their safety. The people of Pakistan have either lent them grace and charity or shown them mercy. You may find that you are without some of the conveniences that you grew accustomed to. This is nothing to worry about. The Pakistani government has called upon all Indonesians to fullfill their Dioist responsibilities and taxi the the hard fighting Pakistani soldiers to and from the frontlines.

I am writing you to inform you that you have nothing to fear. You may experience some events that might shock, terrify and confuse you but I assure you that these are just part of the natural order of a grwing Holy Empire of Pakistan. I, out of charity shall present you with some of the things you should expect.

This image is something you might not be familiar with yet.

It is recommended that you return to your homes and wait for the sand to do it's reclamation. The sand knows what it needs to do and it is better if you are allowed some time to become acclimated to the proximity of so much golden and gracious purity. During this period it is recommended to praise Dio and recite passages from the Book of Dio. If you are unfortunate enough to not have this handy guide to salvation it is recommended that you renounce your cowish sins and slaughter any nearby cows as a clear act against the sinful idols Dio has so justly condemned. I know it shall be difficult to have mental clarity in these moments but Dio and the sands shall judge the sincerity of your efforts. This next image is what can happen if you panic like the governor of the province of Jammu + Kashmir did.

Out of terror and knowledge of his sinful ways the governor who we believe was named Lakhan ran out into the sands and tried to eat as much as possible. This is not recommended for those who have not been /v/irginized yet. If you will notice the sand rejected him after he died resembling a womanish boy whore that might work at Old Navy. You may notice this during the sandstorm.

It is recommended that you do not look out your windows. These are frontline Pakistani forces and they might mistake the red dot on your forehead as another soldier's laser sighting. This is an unfortunate mistake that we do not wish to happen. Although we understand you wear such things it is not possible to be worn after the sands transition you to an acceptable Pakistani laborer.

These are not the only changes you shall witness but these are the only warnings I am allowed to give you. The people of Pakistan shall protect you and teach you and spiritually guide you in the coming days. The Glory of Dio shall be allowed to those wish to know salvation. The Path to Peace is available to all who choose to take it. I welcome all who shall know of a better life within the borders of Pakistan.