A Look At Those Argentinians - Issue 06 - 13 Jun

Day 2,762, 14:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jake Lee Blakeway

I didn’t write something on Friday and vanished off the face of the earth *shock horror*. Not to worry. I had an illness and had to take a day away from writing and looking at a computer screen for long periods of time. I had enough time to start writing something along with some replies to other messages, but nothing concrete. So this should make today’s issue a bumper one. Sadly, no case.

Today’s topic is all about our new neighbours Argentina. Who are they? Why are they aggressive arses? And why can’t we beat them?

Well, Argentina simply put, hate us. It’s all because of a series of islands which they claim is theirs, but in reality they have no claim on at all. In reality Argentina did have a small ‘colony’ of sorts after the British and Spanish evacuated the islands. However things got out of hands and the British came back to reassert control. Thanks to Argentina’s claims they now have it written in their constitution to take back the islands for themselves – buggers.

Since they can’t take it in real life (they failed miserably remember?) every year around the point of the war (at least I have heard) Argentina tries to invade the eUK and wipe us out in protest. This has already begun now with both Oxford and Birmingham fallen.

But how could they do this? In real life they are militarily backwards and have no idea what they doing. Sadly the answer here is simple; they have more soldiers and more allies. They have 4,000 citizens compared to our 1,000. For every one of us that fights, we get four more fighting back. I have also noticed that Argentina has a lot of support. While I was fighting in the defence of our nation, I was attacking more Romanians and Americans that I was Argentinians. I didn’t notice anyone fighting on our side for us sadly.

To make matters worse, they also seem to attack at 11pm UK time. By that point most of us are asleep, and they get 8 hours to rack up the score for free. (eRepublik really need to do something about that) By the time we wake up, we just have time to see the score before scooting off to work! By the time we get home ready to defend our land, it is lost.

Sadly, I don’t know of an easy way to resolve this. We need more allies, that is a given – one can never have enough allies. I would suggest dialogue with Argentina, try and talk to them and see if we can calm them down… though that is just liberal hippy talk. I doubt they would listen. I would say we need to trigger resistance wars, but Argentina is fighting no one but us. We would have to wait until they were distracted by other wars. But I highly doubt that would happen anytime soon.

In short, tough times are ahead. What to do is going to be a tough question. If I had won the lottery I would of bought us all combat stashes over and over again until we won, or at least, bought everyone express coffee deliveries so we could all stay up all night for several days straight!. I think for now we are going to have to be the bigger people and to two thing; one try and create a dialogue with Argentina to get our territory back, despite how futile and ironic it is. Also we need to appeal for international help, try speaking to Argentina’s allies and convince them to stop. Both Fata, and the next CP have some tough calls ahead, it is all time we strap up and buckle in. Because this is not going to be a smooth ride at all.

Right, that is all for today. Tomorrow is Party Election day! SO tomorrow I will be putting together some last minute campaigning, despite how futile it may be against Bruce and his drone Army. I am still holding onto that small glimpse of hope that there are some other humans in the party that aren’t linked to him in some way. If not, by mid tomorrow I will writing out my CV and applying for some other party.

Until Tomorrow…. Wish me Luck!