A Little More About Wars

Day 1,924, 00:15 Published in Australia Australia by Aus Ministry of Finance

A few articles ago I had a little tutorial about how fighting and battles work. Today I am going to try and explain a little but about how we come to arrive at battles and why some countries get to attack and others don't.

First and foremost, what a country needs to attack in the game is a common border. In Australia, we have 2 major common borders, and sometimes 3, depending on the situation, but for now we will stick with the 2 most common borders that we have. These are New Zealand, and of course Indonesia. These two countries have a region directly next to one or more of ours and are therefore able to (a) Attack and (b) Propose Natural Enemy.

There are 2 ways a country can attack.

The first and most common way is for any current congress member to propose a Natural enemy.

This will then go to a vote in congress and will need 66% of congress votes (Note: 66% is only the number needed of the actual votes, not actual congress members. eg If congress has 20 members but only 10 vote, it will need 7 votes to pass.)

To Check the status of any votes, go to the countries administration page

This happens quite regularly from Indonesia to Australia because they are rather cowardly and enjoy attacking countries 10 times smaller than them. There is nothing we can do but get our congress to propose a NE (Natural Enemy) also and get the 10% bonus on each hit that fighters will get. The first country that proposes NE and passes, will be the country that has what is called Initiative. If the vote fails but the other country's vote passes, then it is that country that will have initiative and will be the first to attack.

The Country President is the only one with the authority to push the big red button and decide where and when to attack. The only time this isn't the case is when the CP has not pushed the button in the first 24 hrs after the vote passes. Game mechanics then take over and an auto attack will occur, on any neighbouring region of Plato's random choice. The only thing governing this is that the regions border each other. Natural Enemy wars last for 7 days, or until there are no more regions that border each other, or one country is completely wiped. The only other way a NE war may end is for congress to propose and pass a Peace Declaration. Whoever wins a battle is the one who takes initiative and gets the choice on where and when to attack.

A Gold attack works in the exact same way. It costs 240 gold to declare war on a neighbouring nation and still needs congress approval. If the vote fails the gold is sent back to the countries treasury Gold wars aren't governed by the 7 day rule and the only way for a war of this type to end is by one of the nations being wiped, or a congressional vote of a peace declaration rule. This method of attack very, very rarely happens in-game any more as it is much cheaper and more democratic to vote on a NE proposal

For either one of these types of wars, only one battle can occur at any one time. This just means that only one region can be attacked. A RW and a NE/Gold attack war, is the ONLY way 2 regions can be warred upon at once. If a region is being attacked via NE, It cannot also be attacked via RW. A region can only be RW'd 24 hours after the initial NE battle has finished.

Hopefully this clears a few things up for people who are wondering how wars come to be.