A Letter to the United Kingdom from a Canadian Citizen

Day 669, 23:21 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Dean22

Well, things have been moving along with the war. Iran has been eliminated from Canada and the US regained initiative in the war against Columbia and Russia.

So, what happened to stop the US from this? France (a country that was having some interior issues with people wanting to leave PEACE) had it's arm twisted behind it's back to attack the US.

The idea of France being manipulated/controlled to do this brought me to a train of thought:

The US has defeated Portuguese blocks, Russian blocks, Hungarian blocks and Columbian blocks (they went through a whole country just to get to the US).

Who will be next if France fails? Who will be the next blocker?




No they would have to forfeit massive amounts of gold that could easily be used to stop the blocks.


No they are on a treaty which, would give a similar result to Mexico.




No, if they bring a war to the US it will defeat them with MPPs quickly and timely

So after, thinking of these ideas I finally came to the conclusion that there is one PEACE loyal country left.

Yes, you thought it before I even said it.

The United Kingdom will be the next blocker whether it be forced or by choice.

Here in Canada, we may have forgotten past deeds done by the UK. Even though you did aid our enemies in conquering our territories. We don't blame you you were always taken for granted and when PEACE came offering bags of gold and promises of glory vs. the Atlantis fails like French Toast the United Kingdom it looked like a damn great promise.

United Kingdom wasn't the only one pissed off at Atlantis' illegal invasion of Germany. Canada was too and we defended Germany with all we could at the time honouring the Atlantis treaty to defend allies.

Where did that get us with Germany? A few thank yous and a back turned on us as soon as they joined PEACE.

It seems good deeds do go unrewarded in this game. It hasn't been the first time Canada has done the right thing.


Yes, that's right. In the early Hungary vs. Romania wars Canada defend Hungary saving it from distinction.

Great load of good that did right?

But anyways moving on Canada has forgiven the UK in essence and new bonds can always be formed. You were humiliated in North America and there's no doubt about that. Your media was flooded with screen shots of Hessan shouting in his profile to tell eUK citizens to fight for Canada from confusion or something like that he says 😛 whatever.

However, the US will not be forgiving at all to the eUK.

The US believes in blind loyalty to the death and Canada believes in loyalty to our friends to the death.

The United Kingdom had an administration change and a mindset change.

People change.

The US will not treat it like that and as such every eUK citizen is doomed in the future from an unrelenting revenge on eUK.

You see when eUK DOES become PEACE's new blocker on their all star epic fail train of a football game they call North America. The eUK will activate the eUS's mpps and it will be their undoing.

Now some people might reply to this article and say "VIVA LA PEACE PEACE WILL SAVE US!" I guarantee it wait for those PEACE avatar people to come in and spam that stuff or "DEATH TO AMERICA YOU WILL LOSE".

The truth is:

They won't

If the eUS wins their war and the eUK has an open MPP war with them the eUS will destroy the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom will be brushed aside as an instrument that has been set to be put in the garbage just like Italy.

Poor poor Italy. Soon to be the next Pakistan.

But here's the thing:

The United Kingdom can always change and that's completely up to you.

Voice your opinion in the media and exercise your voting rights.

If you like to be in PEACE go ahead. Canada just doesn't want to see you guys cast aside and destroyed. Honestly, we don't, we would rather have another friend that we had in the past.

If you'd like to join EDEN it will be tough. Even though I wish it could happen there are some people who are extremely set into the past. However, Jacobi (The Canadian Prime Minister) is not and he sees the United Kingdom has the power to change and earn the respect of everyone.

When Hungary has a media article saying that the eUK are traitors but they are loyal dogs in battle I think it goes too far.

Make the choice, whichever choice it is.

Even if you stay in PEACE

Don't become a puppet

Don't become a blocker

Don't get destroyed

Let's build a new relationship together.

Maybe, we'll even let you have some of that maple syrup from the mines 😉.