A guide to erepublik

Day 1,223, 12:25 Published in Sweden Sweden by Enenra
Länk till svensk version

I've under my time in eRepublik met alot of newbies that asked me how to play eRepublik.
Instead of telling it every time I decided to make a guide that explains most of the stuff you need to know.
If you want to translate the guide to any other language that Swedish or English, please contact me.
I've translated it to English mainly because Homonavia includes more than just Swedes.
N.B. Many pictures are clickable for a higher resolution.

1 - Job
The most important for a new player is a job. No job, no money. No money, no food. Without food you die. You should work every day because of that.
To work you simply follow these steps:

1.1 - Get hired
To get hired you click "Market" and then "Job market".
Take the job with highest salary and press "Apply".

1.2 - Work
When you have a job you can work. To do so, press "My land" and then you job, that's on your left. When you're at the work page I strongly recommend the booster "Single espresso" that gives 10% bonus because it's free. Then press "Start working".
Now you've worked. You should do this every day. An eRepublik-day starts 8 or 9 o'clock GMT +1.
You should work with more than 90 health. If not, you may get fired.

2 - Train
Even if you shouldn't fight under your first days you can always train your muscles. To do this press "My land" and then "Training grounds".
You should, atleast in the start, choose the booster "Army boots" just like "Single espresso" that gives a 10% boost and is free. Then press "Start training".

When you've trained, press "Get reward" to get a daily bonus.
You should do this daily too.

3 - Eat
If you don't eat you die. You can see how much health you have to your left, under your avatar and your missions but above the button "Eat".
Of course you need food to eat. To buy it pres "Market" and then "Marketplace". Press the plate where it says "Food". Choose quality 1, (bread). It heals relatively most.
Buy what's in the top (the cheapest). Under "Quantity" you write how much you want. Remember that one bread heals two health. When you've entered the quantity press the button "Buy".

Press the button "Eat" to your left. Then you get your health back.

4 - Missions
To solve missions is a good way to learn how eRepublik works, gain bonuses and it also adds more variation to the game. It's not necessary to solve missions.
You see the missions to your left above your health. Press a mission to gain more information about it.
This is a fast guide to the first four missions:

4.1 - We are all warriors
To solve this mission all you need is to train. You can read how to do this in part 2. When you've completed the mission you gain 2 XP, that's used to gain levels. Every time you gain a level you get a gold.

4.2 - Food is scarse
You need three food in your inventory to solve this mission. It's simple, all you need is to buy 3 food as explained in part 3. The reward is 2 XP and 10 health.

4.3 - Join the rebuilding effort
In this mission you should get a job and work. You can read in part 1 how to do this. The reward is 2 XP and 200 workskill.
Workskill is used to become a better worker. When you become better you produce more and therefore you normally get a higher salary.

4.4 - Image matters
In this step you shall change your avatar. To do this press your name to your left to get to your profile. Up in the right corner there's a button that says "edit profile". Press it. At "Citizen avatar" you upload desired picture. N.B. The picture must be a .jpg file.
Then you enter your password. When you've done that, press "Make changes".
The reward for this mission is 2 XP.

5 - Change location
Sometimes you want to change location. To see where you live now enter and under your profile it says "Location". There you can see where you live.
If you want to move, do following:

5.1 - Buy a moving ticket
Enter "Market" and then "Market place". Right of food there is a ticket. Under it it says "Moving ticket". Press there.
What quality you need depends on where you shall travel. If you want to travel in the north of Europe all you need is quality 1.
Buy the cheapest. One moving ticket per travel is necessary.

5.2 - The travel
To travel enter your profile. Right of "Location:" there's a link with the text "(change)". Press it.
To your right you first choose the country you want to travel to. Then choose the region you want to move to.
When that's finished press "Move".
N.B. You must be level 7 or more to be able to move.

6 - Fight
Fighting is not something you should do in the start. It can give XP, but it requires alot of health and it's more important to have a high health. When you can afford fighting and have a good health you may fight.
If you want payed for fighting you may enter TSM. You need 50 strength for this.

6.1 - How to fight
On the start side above the news you can see the battles. To start fighting press the green button "fight". When you're at the battlefield press the red button "fight". Press there until your opponent have no health left. Do this desired amount of times.
N.B. Every time you fight you lose 10 health. Remember to not fight too much.

7 - Gold

Gold is an international currency that's used when you start companies or buy market licenses. You may buy local currency with gold or vice versa.
You can get gold by pressing the button "Gold and extras" to your right. There you can buy gold. You also get 1 gold when you gain a level and 5 when you get a medal.
Tou buy/sell gold or other currencies, enter "Market" and then "Monetary market".

8 - Q&A
What's the point of gaining levels?
When you gain levels you unlock new features. You also get 1 gold when you gain a level.

What's a medal?
You get a medal when you've accomplished something speciel, for example get in the congress or work 30 days in a row. When you get a medal you also get 5 gold.

Why and how do you invite friends?
When you invite a friend you get 10% of the gold he gains and you get a work bonus on 10% per friend (max 20😵. To invite a friend enter "Community" then press "Invite friends". There's your invitation link.

What's economy skill?
Economy Skill is a factor how much you produce (examples of other factors are health and booster). Economy skill is made up of ranks (Apprentice, Assistant, Junior etc). The economy skill you get is the same as your productivity, so you should work with good health instead of fighting yourself to death.

9 - Good links
These links can be good when you're a newbie (and also when you're not):
The Swedish forum - A forum for all citizens in Sweden. Recommended if you are one.
The Swedish IRC - Also this is recommended if you're a Swedish citizen. Here you can chat with other swedes,
The wiki - This wiki includes alot of information. You should check it out.