A Guide for Living Your eDay

Day 979, 15:24 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

As I am sure you have noticed by now, Rising is a lot more complicated than V1. Now you can’t just simply work, train, and fight in less than five minutes. There are four uptown locations to visit and the battlefield has become much more complicated to say the least. Part of what made this game fun for many, was the fact that it did not take a lot of time out of your day to play. While some of this has been lost with the implementation of Rising, this game still does not have to require a lot of your time. This is why I have chosen to write this guide. This guide will show you step by step how to complete the tasks associated with this game during a day. This guide was written for those who would like to put minimal effort into this game, but would still like to contribute to our eNation. Keep in mind though that this guide is circumstantial . For instance, this guide assumes that hospitals will not be on the battlefield as they have not been lately. If hospitals are added, this guide may change some. On that note however, let us begin our eDay

Step 1

Visit the Uptown locations first. Out of all the Uptown locations, visit the residential district first. The residential district does not decrease your wellness and adds to your happiness. Worker productivity is now measured in a formula that combines both wellness and happiness. Since due to fighting rules, it is almost impossible to maintain high wellness you must do your best to get high happiness. Before you work you want to have your happiness at or as close to 100 as you can get. Visiting the residential district first out of all the uptown locations will help you achieve this.

Go to work happy. Who knows you might even get a raise

Step 2

Work at your company

Step 3

Visit the training grounds

Step 4

Study at the library to help increase your skill set faster

Step 5

Purchase food. What kind of food you purchase is entirely up to you. It appears that the admins have adjusted rules and now food and houses are added on top of your free 70 health check. So that is good news. The important thing to remember here is to actually buy food

Step 6

Check the DoD orders to see where to fight for the day. Now that the war module has changed, fighting in groups is essential on the battlefield. Do not go wondering around on the battlefield by yourself . The most active times for eUSA citizens are between 13:00-22:00 eRepublik time so if you can log onto fight during that time span it would help assure that you will be fighting with other citizens. According to our Secretary of Defense , mass attacks consisting of large groups of citizens will be taking place at 09:00, 13:00, and 18:00 eRepublik time. So if you could log in at any of those times to fight, you would be doing this eNation a great favor

By themselves ants are not effective, it is their numbers which allow them to succeed. Similar principles hold true on the eRepublik battlefield

Step 7

Once you have read the orders, deploy to the battlefield on a tile with other citizens. Depending on what food you purchased and the house you own, you will probably be somewhere between 65-80 wellness. Fight with your fellow citizens /allies, until you are below 40 wellness and are kicked off the battlefield. Unless there is a bug, you should receive a well booster giving you 40 wellness again. This will be your first of three health boosters.

Step 8

Redeploy to the battlefield and fight till you are kicked off and receive your second wellness booster

Step 9

Repeat step 8 and you will receive your last wellness booster

Step 10

Redeploy to the battlefield again. If the battle ends before rollover, move to the capital or as close to the capital as you can. Once you get as close as you can, stay there . Either you will be attacked and get kicked off the battlefield or you will not be attacked and still have 40 wellness so you can redeploy in another battle during that day if needed . However, if the battle ends after roll over and you will not be awake to get off the battlefield then use your last wellness booster to fight. If you stay on the battlefield, you may be attacked after roll over when your free 70 health check has already been applied. You will then have to complete your daily tasks at 40 wellness which is not good.

Step 11

Smile as you have just put in an effective day of eRepublik.

That is all for now. Please vote and shout . The only way to win in Rising is to cooperate and have every citizen do the maximum that they can. Until next time…….

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak