A Goddess for Canada

Day 1,558, 12:01 Published in USA Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

Clearly I've gone mad. But oh the joys of seeing that look on peoples faces. It's worth it.

As I turn to those I know will make up a great cabinet the response has been overall great. There are those that still hold their grudges, that's OK, you can sit on the sidelines, no worries. At the end of the day we only need one thing in mind, eCanada can be great again. How to do this is another question though.

I'm well known, possibly depised by a certain element for one thing definetely. I don't put up with crap. The little roleplaying fantasy world some live in, stuff it. Government is a business and should be run as such. Don't like it GTFO.

This is a game and meant to be fun for everyone, not just those that believe they have a special right to the fun. It's a team game that includes us all. I will start to bring forth new ideas to build that team over the next week and bring back something we have been missing, working together.

A goddess shall light the way, and those that are willing to follow shall find peace and contentment.

Your goddess,