A Fourth Time Around Mississippi!

Day 545, 13:09 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

Hello Mississippi, it’s that time of the month again, Congressional Election time. I, Bill Brasky, once again am running for the congressional seat of Mississippi. It has been a great honor to represent you for the past 3 months, and I enjoy it more each and every time. I feel I have lived up to and represented my ideals each term I have been elected, so therefore I am asking for your vote once again on May 25th.

For those new to eMississippi and the eUSA, allow me to tell you a little more about myself. I have been playing eRepublik for almost 7 months, and have been a eUSA citizen the entire time. I am a proud member of the Federalist Party, and have been so since the moment I could join a party. I have been the Welcoming Chairman and am currently the Congressional Elections Chairman for my party. I am an active 3-term Congressman, with all 3 of my terms being consecutive and from this great state. I’m proud to have voted on every single proposal over my 3 terms, with the exception of one due to computer trouble. If re-elected you know you are getting someone who will not resign and who will represent your interests well. I was also in Scrabman’s personal cabinet, and am currently the longest tenured active member of the Department of Education. I also single-handedly run the eUSA Citizen Mentorship Program, where I mentor over 200 new citizens. I love helping new players any way I can and the Mentorship Program is the best way I’ve found to do so. I am also a long time member of this nation’s military, and am currently a proud National Guardsman.

My platform is simplified this time, as I want to focus more on two key areas rather than try and spread myself too thin. The first is something I have preached and practiced my entire congressional career, and the second is something I feel is the most important and overlooked aspect of making this nation the strongest in the eWorld.

Governmental Transparency:
I have always preached transparency in all non time-sensitive congressional issues. I practice this ideal by publishing my votes here in my newspaper and through the Congressional voting updates. I love getting questions from state citizens and being able to converse with those I represent. Multiple times state citizens have shifted my votes due to their contact with me. I currently serve on the Congressional Government Oversight Committee, where we try to get as much information from the House of Representin’(sic) to you, the citizens we represent. This is clear through the Public Information Act, and the Library of Congress. We are currently working on the Non-Corruption Act, which would keep track of each member of the governments Orgs, in order to track spending and keep track of funds.

Citizen Retention and Education:
This is something I have been focusing on recently because I believe it is the key to making the eUSA the superpower we all want it to be. We all see the numbers of citizens when we log in, and by sheer numbers the eUSA is on top in the eWorld. However, as our recent adventures in Russia have shown us very clearly, we are far from as strong as we need, want to, or can be. That is why I feel we need to focus, as a nation, on retaining our new citizens. There have been estimates that as high as 60% of our supposed massive populace is inactive. If we are going to become a true superpower in this game, we need to harness our one natural advantage, sheer numbers. We need to retain new citizens at all costs, and that’s why I support programs such as Meals on Wheels (free food for new players), MASH (moving tickets for new citizens), and the Mentorship Program wholeheartedly. These programs help take the first, slow, boring week of eRepublik life and make it that much easier, helping players survive and become productive and effective members of our great country. With a more active populace, our economic and military power increase as well, and over time each citizen adds up.

Mississippi, I have proudly served you to the best of my ability for the past 3 months, and once more I ask for your confidence and support for the May/June term. I have interacted with many of you, and I have always been open to your comments, questions, concerns, and criticisms. I love representing this state, and with your vote I would be proud to represent you and your views once again.

I’m Bill Brasky, and I’m asking for your vote for Congressman of Mississippi for a fourth time.

Bill Brasky
3 Term Congressman Mississippi
Department of Education