A Few Things

Day 1,333, 22:43 Published in USA Ireland by Flying Trotsky

As always comrades, I know you're busy lambasting Plato for changes a noob like me won't understand, so I'll keep things short.

I. The Polls

Looking at the polls, it's obvious that victory for the SFP chairmanship goes to Comrade Jude Connors. I concede with good grace and hope that Comrade Connors will be, as in previous terms, a good leader of the party.

II. The Poles
In the North, the Pink Menace is having a tough time with Canadian uprisings. The minute they clamp down on a province in the west, a territory in the east rises up. When they crush the resistance in the east, central Canada springs up. All in all, it's good for us- Poland is occupied with the occupation (you see what I did there?), and has too much on its plate to be working towards southern expansion. Nevertheless, we must recognize that the recent fall of Alberta does mean our Free Midwestern states are exposed, and retaking Washington will lead to the exposure of the West Coast to the Pink Menace.

I'm not saying we shouldn't do it, we should just recognize it as an eventuality. Sooner or later, we're going to have to deal with Poland.

III. The Battle for Saxony
Yet again, the Germans are attempting a resistance in Saxony, which if successful, would split the Pink Menace's empire in half. So far the Germans have not been successful (and it doesn't look like this time is going to be any different), but it's always a comfort to know that massive as the Polish empire is, losing a single territory can bring the Pink Menace to its knees.

IV. Hungry Hungary
Like I've said before- while you have to hate the Hungarian empire for being, well, an empire- you do have to admire their overall strategy. The Hungarians, understanding that it's only a matter of time before they lose their holdings in North America, have opted to invest their aggression in East Asia, invading Japan and gnawing away at coastal China like starved squirrels. In spite of their good strategy, they are having to contend with resistance wars on the part of both our Chinese and Japanese comrades.

V. The Reign of Spain
At the moment, it would appear the Spanish have found their limits. While they do still control large chunks of the US and all of Brazil, the Spanish have not been able to proceed further- my guess is the Brazilian resistance forces are forcing the Spanish to expend all their energy in keeping hold of their South American territories. The good news? Once we start hacking away at Spain, the Spanish will have to let one continent go.

VI. I See London, I Don't See France
No one seems to have mentioned it, but I think it's time someone said something. A couple days ago, the French, who had been relegated to a single territory, attempted to halve the Polish empire with a strategic RW. The resistance failed, and to punish the French for their insubordination, the Polish army wiped out the last Free French forces in Paris.

The French made a gusty move, and I for one salute our comrades' bravery and sacrifice. Long live a Free France.