A Few Hints and Major Changes in V2 [Thread To Help Newbies]

Day 960, 21:35 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Hi guys,

I decided to write this article to list out all the changes/new things that I have seen in V2 till now. This is aimed at new players (as well as the older ones) so we can all collaborate amongst ourselves and try and get the hang of the new version!!

Please comment and ADD any interesting points/observations of your own [and CORRECTIONS for anything wrong in my article] as comments, to make this a comprehensive thread.

So...without further ado ...

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1. Bug related to Minimum wage. This is a bit of a problem for company owners as any NEW job offer MUST have a minimum wage of 1 INR per hour! This translates to 8 INR salary even for a newbie with minimal skill if he works 8 hours. For normal citizens, I guess you best exploit this now and earn money while for company owners, better take the jobs offline till the bug is fixed! or only put up job offers for the skill levels that you would think are worth that much!

Curiously those (previously employed) that were on say 1.15 INR have had their wages auto changed to 0.13 per hour.

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2. You CAN keep your wellness and happiness around 100...just make sure you focus on what you aim to be. Its simple - this version focuses on specialisation - so choose if you wish to be a warrior or if being a businessman suits you and STICK TO IT! Any gold boosters used by "others" can be nullified by focusing on your core strength for longer hours.

Remember that working or training longer takes away more HAPPINESS (not wellness) There are food companies that will give you upto 10 happiness back but again note that this is based on your happiness. If you are below 50 happiness, a food giving 10 happiness is likely to give you 15 but at 90 happiness it might give you only 6 or 7 (I am not sure of the calculation - someone help out please)

Lastly, please note your wellness and happiness at day change and schedule your 24 hours accordingly. If you require more happiness, then schedule more hours of rest for that day.

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3. Try not to spend gold or currency much. The Money market will see a lot of ups and downs as the value of currencies around the world will fluctuate wildly as company owners try and decide on best selling prices and actually setting currency values against gold prices. Those who are smart in hedging and Money market risk taking, should go for it now. There is likely to be immense profit (or loss) in big markets such as Russia, Poland, Serbia and the US.

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4. Make sure you stick to your core military strengths. Dividing your strength everywhere without mastery in any, will cause you to lose more PVP fights and thus your ranking up will be slower. Also make sure to scout around for the companies that are making the kind of weapons you need and be prepared for battle when the time comes.

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5. Its likely you could find weapons selling cheap as company owners will be unsure of what prices to put up and will be desperate to get rid of stock as they will find that the cash they have in the company will disappear pretty quick! especially with the bug I mentioned above and also the ability of workers to work more hours a day !

They will need to get in cash flow and will thus be flooding the market with goods carried over from V1. So scout and get the best bargain!

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6. New (potentially serious) bug encountered. I put 2 tanks on sale and they turned into rifles!!! All company owners BEWARE in case you face the same bug. The easiest way out is to put items up for sale one at a time. Once you are sure this isnt happening to you, put the others up 🙂

UPDATE - (MANY Thanks Bryon Russell for your comment \o/ ) : This bug seems to be fixed. I have checked it out (5 mins back) with my company BUT would still advise all company owners to exercise caution in the early days and first put ONE product for sale first and see if it works okay, then put the rest 🙂

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7. In World map(Flash) Madhya Pradesh is shown as High Titanium region while in the society page it is shown as medium.. So For those starting RM companies BEWARE - it is still a MEDIUM region. This bug could exist for other regions as well!
(Thanks to touchofevil for this one)

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8. A MASSIVE change is the moving system. No longer can you simply move anywhere. The world has now been divided into zones that have a hierarchy and it is VITAL that you map put your path of movement before you buy the ticket(s) you need.

Please be advised that the zones are not very logical and getting to neighbouring countries can be quite a pain! (getting to Liaoning from India or Peru from India is quite a circus... ...try it out) 🙂

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9. Please note that the Wellness and Happiness indicators on the left side of your screen are not accurate. Click on your avatar to bring up your profile to see your true wellness/happyness.
[This was courtesy of DashRiprock's comment below - MANY THANKS! o7]

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10. As per admins, the weapon customisations coudl be changed BUT I am stuck with a set of qualities for my Artillery that unfortunately I cannot customise! So this is another issue that needs resolving.

[Vigi pointed this out in his comment below - thanks dude! \o/]

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11. The experience chart has changed and the updated chart can be found here. All requirements (as per experience points) are pretty much the same, its just that the levelling is different. for example - Congress still requires citizen to be exp level 100 but this now occurs at level 14 and NOT level 12)

Link to the chart here (again) - http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Experience_points

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12. A big bug reported by a number of users is that the House and Food are not increasing wellness at all. It is likely that the admins will fix this but they might not restore your wellness. Either you can gamble with lower wellness and happiness and wait for the admins to fix this OR rest more than usual and at least recover happiness. On my part, I will stick with the risk that this will get fixed by tomorrow 🙂

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1. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/nr-17-v2-ekonomikos-modulio-privalumai-1448103/1/20 -Very interesting article about likely future wages. MUST READ for all citizens.

[English version using Google translate here ] -> http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=lt&tl=en&u=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/nr-17-v2-ekonomikos-modulio-privalumai-1448103/1/20&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&usg=ALkJrhjqPMPwuQje9zM2xDD3ZYKoavc0gA

Many thanks to Gorgepir for listing this out in his comment below o7
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(Thought it might be useful to list out whatever questions people raise and try and seek answers 🙂

1. is there any way to maintain the durability of house??

- There is no way to do that unfortunately. The house will deteriorate for sure. You just have to look for a house with maximum durability. Of course this is likely to give you less health/happiness which you will need to balance. I reckon a smart idea would be to stow away daily savings so that by the time you reach the end of the house, you have enough to buy another one.

This is also something for the Gov to ponder on, as we do have housing companies and I am sure the gov can afford to give houses very cheap.