A dream comes true

Day 1,501, 06:39 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

Hello! It’s the Bulgarian ambassador speaking 🙂
Yesterday was a great day for eBulgaria.

When roonex announced his program on the last presidential elections in Bulgaria everybody was so excited with deletion of Hungary part. To attack ONE core member with the idea to conquer them was only a dream not so long ago. But as the time has changed the dream comes true. And yesterday was the final act.

A short eHistory lesson. Hungary attacked Croatia a week ago and few days later Bulgaria attacked Hungary. As result of these two wars on day 1500 Hungary left with only 1 region and it was the core Slovakian region Western Slovakia.


Both Bulgaria and Croatia had the initiative in their wars and they waited for the end of the RW of Slovakia against Hungary. Meanwhile another RW was started in Central Hungary (Bulgaria). That was nothing new for the Bulgarians as this type of wars are part of their everyday action.

Bulgaria took an easy 3:0 lead and then the real battle started. Members of all ONE countries came to Bulgaria and fought for the liberation of Hungary. Here you can see round by round action.

It was an epic battle. Tablov, a Bulgarian top player, gave away 8 gold to everyone who made over 1 mln. in some of the minibattles. That brought a lot of fighters but it was still not enough. The government gave away supplies for players with over 4500 strength (more than 4000 Q6 weapons). At midnight (in Bulgaria) the score was 5:5 and the resistance was on their way for the 6-th miniwin.
Meanwhile the RW in Hungary’s only region was lost and Croatia attacked and conquered their last region.

The night battles in Europe are the place where the big guns from both sides are fighting against each other with almost no civilians. As the ONE alliance has the biggest population this is the time when they are most vulnerable.

Bulgaria won 3 rounds in a row. There are times when a single picture says more than 1000 words.

Please take a look at the statistics once again. Look at the last round. You can see that top hero for the resistance is Mr FLATROY.

May be most of you know that he is one of the top Russian players. You may wonder why has he fought for Hungary? His explanation is that his profile was hacked, all his companies were sold and someone else was fighting in this battle. I really believe him. Shame on you ONE!

At the end but not last I want to thank to all Canadians that participated in this battle. Rylde, Ralph and all other made a dream come true. You made something that an ally and a friend should do. Thank you very much guys, you are great!

P.S. As eHungary is part of the past we are looking forward for a better eWorld. A world where there is no ONE!