A Double Win [Interested in Companies? Read]

Day 659, 13:21 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL
A new Government, a new month. A new Time. After the upcoming Party Elections I've officially ended my political career in India. That does not mean I'm leaving, not at all, I'm just taking a break from politics. I'm going to take some time to get into something I've never really been into: Business. Yes that's true, I've never been in serious company business in the 1,5+ years I've been playing this game so far. So that's what I'm going to do.

But since I'm a very social player I don't like to play alone. That's why I'm looking for you! I'm looking for players who want to invest money in a new Business Group (name can be fixed within the group). I'm looking not only for persons who just want to invest some money and get it back with profit, no I'm not only talking about loans but also about people who are in to manage companies. People who know what business is because I have to be honest with you, I'm not the super businessman (yet!). But I am a very quick learner and I'm willing to work hard to make some big cash. Because that's what it's all about in the world of business. Making some big cash! Maybe I'm letting my ego talk here, but that's okay for some time right?

The only rule I want to set up is that companies in India will have to be real investments for India, not only for the Business Group. That's why we probably won't start companies in India immediately because those companies won't make much cash. We'll start off in other countries were we can set up companies that'll make good profit. After we're making profit we'll start to think about what companies are good to be set up in India, maybe even at a little loss rate. As long as the companies will be good for India.

So to make things short:

A new Business Group (name can be done later)


Investors. People who invest money and get back their money with profit.
Managers. People who want to manage the companies and make sure they'll run with profit. People who Manage can Invest too of course.


Set up a Business Group which makes (huge) Profit. The money gained through this will be for the Business Group of course. But also, a part of it will be used to invest in what India needs.

So, do you want to do business too? Contact me.
Do you want to invest in this business? Contact me.

It's a Win for both you and our country!

Thank you very much,


Note! For those who I have told I would probably leave India to work somewhere else. I won't, Arjaa has got me to stay. I don't know what secret ingredient he put in my hot chocolate, but he did it ^.^