A Date Which Will Live in Infamy

Day 748, 15:16 Published in USA USA by Zanmor

The irony is rich. In a display fitting of the true colors of the eAmerican administration, newly elected president Jewitt continued a plan that has been months in the making, launching an attack into Kyushu, Japan despite the wishes of the Japanese politicians and people. Sounds familiar, yeah? A few months ago the Japanese stood up to Indonesian demands to use Kyushu as a doorway to the eUSA. When the politicians finally balked to their demands, hoping to save their own country, the proud Japanese people voted them out of office.

Today, the day that the Empire of Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor IRL, eAmerica engages in behavior within eRepublik that is just as underhanded and unjustifiable. eJapan has endeavored to maintain neutrality and not to allow Kyushu to be used as a gateway ever again. Not happy that the path of least resistance had been blocked, the entrenched military regime that has control of eAmerica decided to take in an illegal war what they were not given.

The saying, ‘The path to Hell is paved with good intentions,’ comes to mind. Jewitt promises this is only temporary and only in order to help our allies in Asia, to free conquered regions. We’ll save the village however we have to, even if it means burning it down. If you claim the title of defender of freedom and sovereignty you cannot pick and choose which nation’s neutrality and sovereignty you will honor and when. I will fight to reclaim regions of eAmerican allies when given the opportunity; I will not lift a finger to march through Japan to do so. This is the easiest path. It is not the honorable one. It is not the right one.

It has never been more apparent to me that the eUSA has big problems. And they’re all in office. I recently joined the eUS military and will be following orders to fight in Kyushu. I’ll just be doing it from the other side of the wall. So if this leads to a short military career for me, so be it. There are more important things. This is one American who believes it when we say we stand for freedom, even if it isn’t convenient. I wish we had leadership that believed that.

On behalf of my nation, I apologize to eJapan. To the Chinese who are hoping for the American cavalry to come through and liberate your regions, I too welcome the day and will be there, guns blazing. But I will not be going through Kyushu to do so.

If you are going to take a stand against the lackadaisical oppression of the American elite, join me and vote this up, then fight for Kyushu!