A Cynic in Minnesota (yee ole running for office notice)

Day 672, 14:02 Published in USA USA by Cynic Grim

I will be running for congress in Minnesota next election.

So why should you vote for me?

First and formost- I believe in playing by the game mechanic's. We must reconsider our out of game ethics that we apply, and realize that the high road can and will get you invaded. I don't support taking spain to the cleaners, but coordinated attacks, tactical retreats, trap companies if they are used on you, and such not, are part of the game and to be accepted.

Voting- No lulz unless ALL businness is taken care of. I want to see the CBO donated to every day, be it USD that is requested, or captured foreign currencies. Lets keep the nation's coffers strong.

Economic's- I support a return to the 0.02 gold standard, and will get involved and raise the point of returning to it as soon as we clear our boarders of Peace trash.

Vengeance- Voting for me is voting for a war hawk. Not a stupid war hawk, but I believe wether covertly or overtly, eUSA should make sure to look at wise ways of taking a pound of flesh.

Why a Cynic? Because I will question everything, and accept only what is rationally thought out.
I will push to find ways to make our military more self substaining, and listen to and respond to player suggestions and ideas.

And simply for the lulz? I will press forward a motion to make Astra Kat G post up more hawt pics.

So on election day, why not fly on down and help put me in office.