A Call to ARMS!

Day 567, 12:33 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy

Today PEACE has announced plans to invade the eUnited States of America, “Just for the heck of it” on June 15th and destroy our Q5 hospitals. This is a sign of war on our very own homeland. This attack may or may not happen, but if it does then, my fellow eAmericans be ready to fight for your very freedom itself. We must destroy the invaders before they can come ashore. “We will fight them on the beaches and we’ll fight them on the farms”.

eAmericans it is now time to stand shoulder to shoulder and make a wall that will reach the face of god, to stop the barbarians that want to enslave our people and burn our home land. God forbid they are able to take a single inch of the homeland then start resistance wars and fight day and night to once more have an eAmerican flag above the land of the free and the home of the brave. eAmericans now is the time for everyone, businessmen and workers, workers parties and conservatives, politicians and anarchists to stand next to each other and defend the homeland!

God Bless eAmerica