6th Famous ElmieMonies' Lottery., House added to the prize pool.

Day 751, 08:47 Published in USA USA by ElmieMonies


Rules are simple. There will be 11 winners!!!! Let it be you!

- Step one - Donate $1USD to the Org for a ticket.

- Step two - I send you a random number. (From Random.org)

- Step three - At announced time - I will draw three numbers. First one to hit exact drawing number will win a whooping 40% of the prize. The second will win 25% and third will win 15%. (If you do not understand, please ask)

((New Prizes! - Now, we will have 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th PLACES!!! Meanings, 11 WINNERS!!!!! ))

4th place wins 1 q1 house, 10 q2 weapons
5th Place wins 10 q2 weapons
6th Place wins 5 q2 weapons, 5 q2 gifts
7th Place wins 10 q1 weapons
8th Place wins 5 q1 weapons, 5 q2 gifts
9th Place wins 7 q1 weapons
10th place wins 10 q2 gift
11th place wins 10 q1 gift

Here's the cool thing about Elmie Monies' Lottery - you can buy as many tickets you want!!! $3 USD will mean THREE tickets for YOU! (Three random numbers), but if you donate $6 USD, you will get SIX tickets!

Also - If you buy 10 Tickets, You get one for free, so suppose you buy 40 tickets, you will receive 4 for free!!!

Donate away and lets get this lottery started. Someone WILL win!!!

Donate your money for the ticket to ElmieMonies Org

Buy Tickets NOW!!!!

Lottery Prize as of now: 1295 USD
<< This means, for the 1st place winner, they could have potential to win OVER 500 USD!!!>>

Cut off date/time for Drawing #5 : Monday Dec 28th at 00:00 Server time which is 3 Am EST
(EDIT) - I have decided to extended the deadline due to server being down for so long. You can continue buy tickets until I do the drawing.

The drawing #5 will be held on: Tuesday Dec 29th.

Here's the deal - I will have someone else to generate numbers for me - the winners numbers. He will not know who has what numbers and he is not participating in the lottery.

When winners are announced, you need to claim your prize and inform me where you want them to be deposited. That is why i advise you to subscribe to this newspaper.

Finally due to liability issues, I must put that when you buy a ticket you:
1. Understand that there is always the possibility that you will lose the lottery and therefore you lose your donated money.
2. You understand that when buying a ticket you are doing so for the fun of playing and not as an investment.
3. That you have read and understood all of the rules and materials within this article.
4. Finally, that you agree to the terms of this article and all of its contents.