336,123 active citizens... and keep falling!!!

Day 939, 04:38 Published in Greece Serbia by thando

This is an undeniable fact

In less than one month, according to the statistics of ereptools http://ereptools.net/graph/userCount erepublik lost around 70,000 active users.

Estimating the fact that the drop of users figures began rapidly by the announcing of V2 features and the time + gold that users might need in order to play in V2, i believe that there should be some changes in the new version.

This is certainly not in our hand, but some voices should be listened by specific ears. Otherwise it can be mathematically proved that from the peak of 403,208 active users in the first week of MAY, by the end of 2010 there will be no more than 80.000 active users in erepublik.

This is a very optimistic estimation...

The pessimistic view of that case is that the erepublik will end near March of 2011, just one year before the end of the Mayan Calendar. 😃

Please reconsider some of the V2 facts... otherwise, end of days is coming!

Some important info from ereptools:


POLAND 51,775-32,632
BRAZIL 29,499-21,097
SERBIA 27,273-22,667
USA 22,664-17,662
SPAIN 20,273-17,532
HUNGARY 18,378-15,210
RUSSIA 17,415-12,413
ROMANIA 15,459-11,599
CROATIA 14,222-11,422
GREECE 13,208-8,387
TURKEY 10,517-10,130