30 In 30 - Interview #9 - Captain Kushskins

Day 1,735, 16:09 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The series continues...

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden
3) CryingLightningPT
4) Chamrajnagar
5) GoranThrax
6) Wilhelm Gunter
7) Leo Balzac
8. Homer J. Simpson

Today I give you...Captain Kushskins

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

My roommate was a political science major and he recommended we start playing the game together. My name was based on a nickname I had from our ganj smoking days. After a few days, we both tired of it, and it wasn't until close to a year later that out of curiosity I picked it up again. CitB sent me a private message when he noticed me two-clicking and so I joined the DAL, and outside of my year-long "rage quit" a while back I've been hopelessly addicted since.

2) What aspects of this game capture your interest the most?

The community. Any long-term players know how much the game has been stripped down, and some of the best features from V1 (ad module, stocks, more developed economy) are sadly long gone. I've come to appreciate both friend and foe alike in this game, and getting to know the people behind the avatars and share laughs and arguments with them has been a really great experience.

3) How much of the real guy behind the screen is captured in the in game persona you have?

I actually play this game pretty true to myself. I'm a bit of a pot stirrer, and can be acerbic, but mostly I think I just like to have fun and enjoy chaos. Captain K has taken on a bit of a life of his own though. I'm probably not as intellectual as I pretend to be in this game, and I'm certainly no hipster. As for the ganj, well, since I graduated that's not such a big part of my life but I do have a reputation to keep around these parts. One thing I suppose might come as a surprise is, in real life I'm pretty quiet. I've always found it's easier to be a verbose jerk if you're writing, but I choose my spoken words more carefully.

4) If you only had one eDay left to live, what would you do with it?

I have no possessions because I spend everything on strength training, so I couldn't bequeath any treasures to my friends. I'm not in any position of power so I couldn't go out with much of a bang either. I think I might be banned from running because last time I was in I proposed Canada as an NE. Code-Y actually sent me a note back then asking what I was doing. Funny how things change. I suppose I'd just drop a line to my friends saying goodbye, and then post an Adasko style rage quit article with some raunchy pornography.

5) The one aspect of this game you feel is most under-appreciated is?

Easily the media module. It is in dire need of an upgrade from the admins, but there is still great stuff to be found and done with it. Too much of it is about buying votes for exposure, and there's a lot of poorly written trolling and spam out there. Too often I find a great article with hardly any votes. For those who take the time to dig around, there are some amazing authors in this game. The Northern Telegraph is certainly one of my favorite reads, so I'm very grateful to have been selected for this interview series. Interviews are one of my favorite reads, but I also love some of the thought provoking offerings out there. I could give a big list of people I enjoy, but I'll offer a recommendation for one who doesn't yet have a media mogul I think more people should check out, and that's portcolumbus. "Meet The Press" is a great read for people interested in eUSA politics.

6) If you had the chance to dine with Saltydog, what one question would you most want to ask him?

I'd ask him if he really was a convicted rapist, and if he answered in the affirmative then I'd probably bring my own food and drink. After that, I'd ask him if he wanted to do a J, then we'd turn on some jazz and talk about politics and space.

7) Settle the great debate...Boxers or Briefs?

I'm out there, Acacia, and I'm lovin' every minute of it.

😎 Do you have any regrets in game thus far? If so, what?

I regret not committing to the game when I first registered and also taking that time off when I did. I would have been a tank by now. I also missed out on some great events which I've tried to piece together from the wiki and articles on the topic but the drama here is top class and I would have loved to be a part. Biggest regret I suppose is not spending more time getting to know TFD. I did engage him a few times, and I think I was probably a bit of a nuisance to him more than anything else, but I really admired the guy and miss everything he brought to the game. RIP Chris.

9) The one thing that would most surprise people to know about you is?

Sometimes I tell people I'm courting that I'm full of surprises because I think it makes me sound more exciting, but truth is I'm a really predictable guy who loves his routine. My persona here isn't too much different than what I'm like in real life, and I'm a pretty ordinary guy. I'm a classically trained musician, I don't know if that's surprising but it's the most exciting thing I can give. I'm wary to say anything too personal because I'm pretty sure Ajay would stalk me if he found out my personal details.

10) What is the best way to enjoy weed...a bong or hand rolled 😛

A well rolled J is hard to top, unless you're willing to spend time and money on your gear. It needs to have a filter though, makes it much easier to burn down. I hate bongs because most people buy horrible ones and don't treat them properly. I had a double perc (one warm water one cold water) with ash catcher and ice chamber, and I cleaned that religiously. Volcano vapes are pretty legendary too. Mom, if you're reading this, I'm sorry, this is all a joke.

Thanks Cappy for taking the time. If you haven't already figured it out, CK is easily one of the most laid back and enjoyable players in this game. I like to think there is a little Cappy in all of us! Friend him and spend some quality time "blazing" a new trail of friendship 😛

Until Tomorrow...