30 In 30 - Interview #8 - Homer J. Simpson

Day 1,734, 17:14 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The series continues...

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden
3) CryingLightningPT
4) Chamrajnagar
5) GoranThrax
6) Wilhelm Gunter
7) Leo Balzac

Today I give you...Homer J. Simpson

1) How did you get sucked into this game

I was looking for a free (lol) online game to play and either googled or saw a link on another site, can’t remember now, must be the Alzheimer’s kicking in or maybe I just head butted too much in my drunken youth

2) You call Australia home in RL and eCan home in game. What made you choose eCan?

I originally started out in eAus and moved to eCan later to be more involved in TCO

3) Seriously, how much of a nuisance are Kangaroos?

They can be a pain when you are late getting the kids to school and they won’t let you get the saddles on 😛, but seriously, they can be a pain for farmers as they ruin fences and cause other issues (there are more roos in Aus now than at time of white settlement) but the main problem is when they jump out in front of your car. Being pure muscle they do a fair amount of damage.

4) You're a member of TCO, what made you choose them and what keeps you there?

I two clicked for the first 6 months of my elife. Then, one day, I received an invite from RainerN to join the newly created Crimson Devils (part of TCO’s expansion outside eCan). I joined up and was placed in the second legion under Lion El’Jonson. I was immediately made to feel part of the family and rose up quickly through the ranks, eventually taken the reigns of the Devils.

5) Finish this sentence, "The one thing you really need to know about Crisfire is..."

…he has a cute little mole on his left buttock.

6) You're a regular in Congress, What do you think Congress could improve on?

I have taken a break from congress for the last couple of terms but one thing never changes, congress need to lighten up and remember this is a game. When I was speaker I tried to bring some fun back into it by adding some lulz choices for voting and some people even took offense to that. RL people aren’t going to die and countries aren’t going to go bankrupt from the choices we make so don’t be so bloody boring, take chances.

7) If the admins paid for one return airline ticket to Australia, which player would you give it to, to join you for dinner and why?

It would have to be TemujinBC. We have been through a lot together in this game and I think we owe each other a beer or two.

😎 Given the choice between being tied to a chair watching ping pong or fencing, you would choose?

Pong for sure. People who fence come across as pompous and stuck up. At least there is a little action with pong.

9) What is it about this game that keeps you playing after all this time?

First and foremost, the people. I have met some great people from all over the world and consider many as friends. Secondly, after more than three years it is hard to just walk away.

10) What beer do you unwind with when you unwind...if not beer, what other adult beverage would it be?


Thanks for taking the time and the beer recommendation Homer! I am always on the lookout for a new Cold One to put away. If you have not added Homer to your friends list yet, do it...you wont regret it!

Until Tomorrow...