30 In 30 - Interview #7 - Leo Balzac

Day 1,733, 17:54 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The series continues...

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden
3) CryingLightningPT
4) Chamrajnagar
5) GoranThrax
6) Wilhelm Gunter

Today I give you...Leo Balzac!

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

I can't really remember to be honest. I do know it was on Valentine's Day, so I was obviously ignoring my wife, who was preggo with our first child at the time. Escapism maybe?

2) Peanut Butter, Jam, or Marmalade?

If forced to choose one, Marmalade. Buttery knives are acceptable utensils to use for Marmalade extraction are they not?

3) If the game allowed for a monument of a national figure to be built, which eCan player would be most deserving of the honour?

It would be someone who was no longer with us, as I find monuments to living people seriously tacky. Probably Nosyt in my opinion, such a friendly guy. I'm sure there are others, more deserving, but I never really knew any of 'em

4) Given the choice between repeated overwhelming electric shock to your genitals or living with a new "pay for play" system in eRep you would choose?

Genital torture for sure

5) One word that best describes Plugson is?


6) What colour of lifesaver candy is your personal favourite?

Red, though I also am a huge fan of the Butterscotch flavour you can get in those lifesaver christmas books

7) Finish this sentence, "I would move heaven and earth to..."

Ensure an ample supply of brand new wool blend work socks...for the WORLD!

😎 Why must you stick a buttered knife in a clean jar of jam?

I refuse to waste water, and butter by cleaning off the knife between spreads. It is also my opinion that butter needs to applied before any other spread.

9) If I could have lunch with one of the admins, I would spend that time...?

Challenging them to consume more and more food and beverage, while cackling maniacally as the tab continued to climb, then run out and stick them with the bill.

10) White, Milk, or Dark Chocolate? Careful what you choose there you Racist 😛

My mother-in-law loves white chocolate, I think it is disgusting. Best I'd ever had was a Dark Chocolate with ground habanero pepper in it. Sweet with heat baby, story of my life.

Thanks Leo Balzac...even if you DO commit culinary faux pas by sticking one condiment laced knife into a whole other condiment jar...

Until Tomorrow...