30 In 30 - Interview #4 - Chamrajnagar

Day 1,730, 15:53 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The series continues...

All of the 30 slots are now filled! THANK YOU to those who have volunteered. I will get to all of you in due course. I am very grateful to all of you for your willingness to participate!

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden
3) CryingLightningPT

Today I give you...Chamrajnagar!

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

Found an ad on another site. Youtube maybe? Anyways, I started about a week into Jacobi's first term as CP. It was the glorious revolution of the newbs vs. the old guard. Insults were flying from both camps, and it pissed me off, so I wrote my first article telling people to calm down. Jacobi commented on it, and I thought wow! If I can come in and get the President of like 2k people to comment on my article, I can go far! 😛

2) Where does your in game name originate from?

Before I started actually playing, the description read I could dominate the political, military, and media modules. I was most interested in the military, and a bit on the political side. I had just read the Ender's Game series, and chose the character Chamrajnagar who was first Strategos (leader of Earth's defenses), then Polemarch (supreme commander of Earth's warfleet); two of the three most influential political/military positions in that universe. Props to Goran Thrax for being the first person to recognize its origins 😛

3) If you had to choose between paying Scymex's VISA bill or Romper's VISA bill, which would you choose?

Tough to say. Scymex probably. 476,552,065 influence vs 965,023,953 influence? Less than half 😛

4) What one thing have you not accomplished in this game yet that would make your eLife complete?

Well I'm missing two medals. CP and Top Fighter. The only realistic one is CP, though I'm out of university now, so don't have near the time for the position I would have had a year and a half ago.

5) If you could have lunch with one player in this game in RL, who would it be?

There's a few. I've already gone out for beers with Jacobi and Moffington, so that scratches a couple off the list. In no particular order, I'd love to lunch with you (Acacia), crisfire, Wilhelm Gunter, Goran Thrax, Alex Rearden, CDoe, Nosyt, Sperry, jbdivinus, Rolo, Rylde, Wally, and tons more. However, I'd never go for lunch with killer2001, too much spam (http://youtu.be/anwy2MPT5RE)

6) The one player no longer playing that I miss the most is?

Ace_Blazer. Got him to be super active back in my CAF days, and he's the one you have to thank (or hate) for crisfire being here.

7) Finish this sentence, "TemujinBC is to being a butt as JSBoutin is to...?"

being genuinely friendly. It's in their natures 😛

😎 The one change the admins have made to the game that I wish they would take back is?

Working-as-managers. I miss the old days of my semi-economic-tycoon-ing.

9) What is your earliest memory of this game?

Bruck was my first friend. Nosyt my second. Hard choice between the old CEP and CSD, but I chose the CSD.

10) The one topping I would NEVER put on my pizza is?

Mushrooms. Gross!

Thanks Cham! You're a class act in this game. Always have been, and I suspect, always will be. Whichever country elects you CP will be very VERY lucky to have you!

Until Tomorrow...