30 In 30 - Interview #3 - CryingLightningPT

Day 1,729, 16:01 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The series continues...

All of the 30 slots are now filled! THANK YOU to those who have volunteered. I will get to all of you in due course. I am very grateful to all of you for your willingness to participate!

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden

Today I give you...CryingLightningPT!

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

My mates from Call of Duty brougt me into this!

2) French Fries, Mashed or Baked Potato?

Baked Potatos witha little codfish, one of the best portuguese dishes

3) If you were elected CP, what is the one thing you would do first?

Start organizing a resistance against iNCi

4) If you could no longer be a SEAL, which MU would you join next?

Tough one. I would choose some MU with great atmosphere

5) Finish this sentence, My idea of a good time on a Friday night is...?

...Drums, beer or a good futsal game both with friends ofc

6) The one change I would make to the economic module is?

Add loans

7) In my opinion, the funniest player in the game is?

Julio de Matos, the Portuguese Cock savior that just emigrated for Canada

😎 One thing that would surprise people to know about me is...?

...that I won the Portuguese Physics Competition

9) I think the old Hex based map fighting was...?

...kind of silly

10) Peanut Butter or Jam?

Jam, I really hate peanut butter!

Thank you CryingLightningPT for your time and your contribution to the series! See you on the battlefield. Boa sorte e os melhores desejos

Until Tomorrow...