30 In 30 - Interview #2 - Alexander Rearden

Day 1,728, 15:39 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The series continues...

25 of the 30 slots are now filled! THANK YOU to those who have volunteered. I will get to all of you in due course. I still have 5 spots free though so don't be shy and sign on up.

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan

Today I give you...Alexander Rearden!

1) How did you get sucked into playing this game?

CyberCitizens another MMO quit, and part of our community moved to this game. I got hooked.

2) If I had 1,000,000 game currency right now I would...?

Go Q6, then give some to noob CoI members

3) Hot Pepper or Hot Chocolate?

Hot Chocolate

4) The single most annoying aspect of this game is...?

Lack of development of any feature but military

5) If I could snap my fingers and suddenly wipe a country I would wipe...?

Indonesia, I never liked them, call it an old grudge.

6) Funky Hum24n or Play That Funky Music White Boy?

Play That Funky Music White Boy, has a better beat.

7) If you could no longer play in eCanada, which country would you move to?

Someplace English speaking and quiet, like Australia

😎 Nobody could pay me enough gold too....?

Not live in eCanada, I've got it in my head that I will out eLive everyone in eCanada and stay here.

9) My greatest achievement in this game to date has been?

Two of eCanada's longest running legal documents, the Admin ToS and the CAF Code of Conduct I wrote the original versions and they haven't changed that much in 4 years.

10) Tea or Coffee?

Coffee, I'm drinking a cup right now!

Thank you Alexander Rearden for your participation...like you, Coffee is my beverage of choice...well...at least in the non-alcoholic sense 😛

Until Tomorrow...