30 In 30 - Interview #18 - Weezo1

Day 1,744, 17:03 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The series continues...

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden
3) CryingLightningPT
4) Chamrajnagar
5) GoranThrax
6) Wilhelm Gunter
7) Leo Balzac
8. Homer J. Simpson
9) Captain Kushskins
10) Dru Blood
11) Muglack
12) Ralph Kline
13) Addy Lawrence
14) Treian
15) Dennis McVicker
16) Crisfire
17) Wally Cleaver

Today I give you...Weezo1

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

Well one of my friend( in another online game) ask me to register on Erep so I can get the refer's gold. He did quit the game, but i didn't, and continue my 2-clicking for about 2-3 month until i notice the metagame of erep(irc and forums). It's only after that that i became more involve in the game.

2) How have you found playing this game as a Francophone in an Anglophone dominated game?

Well for my part it's not that hard, i did learn english when i was very young(Big thanks to my elementary school and seinfield/Fresh prince of Bel-Air...xD ). And around time i was began to more into erep, all(or alomst) GOVT article were translated in french. But it's funny many French-Canadian are playing this game, without IRC i would never knew it, RAEEEE!!!!

3) If you have to choose just one...Croissant or Baguette?

Wow really tough question: i don't neither... well if i have to choose, i'd choose baguette, at least you can do a mini-sandwich with it 😒

4) What have you enjoyed most about this game thus far?

The community BY FAR. the game by it self is really static; eat, work, manage compagnies and vote... But it's the interaction with other players that is the more attractive aspect of this game. There's alot of intelligent eCitizens playing erep, alot of knowledge can the found in articles and comments... well by some players.

5) Who has been the most interesting person you have met on IRC to date?

There's many interesting person on IRC, hard to choose the MOST enteresting one.

6) If Hollywood made a movie about eCanada, who would play you?

RAEEE f*ck Hollywood, Canada have a bunch of great producers!!! But for the actor who would play my role i have to choose Edward Norton, i like that guy a lot.

7) Is there any truth to the rumours that you have a Celine Dion poster on your ceiling above your bed?

Yes... errrr no, who did open his mouth about my not true secret? I HATE YOU UTAT!!! Vendetta Vendetta, RAEEEEE.

😎 How do you say Maxx Johnson eats chocolate covered flies in French?

Maxx Jonson mange du chocolat couvert de mouche. The French-Canadian remix: le cr*ss de Maxx Jonson mange du sacr*ament de chocolat couvert de cal*ce de mouches à marde!!! xD

9) What has been the biggest surprise for you about the eCanadian Community in general?

The role playing, some players are REALLY into the role playing. I have to give them some props for sticking onto their character. And also, how many RL canadians are not in eCanada any more. Well i'm not in eCanada anymore either, so... i can understand them.

10) How much do you REALLY love the Toronto Maple Leafs 😛

-.- , i'm a HABS fan till i die, a i don't love the Toronto Maple Leafs!!! But in fact i Hate the Bruins more than the Maple Leafs, so we can say that there's some hope if one day(be patient Leafs fans) they eliminate the Bruins in the Stanley cup playoff 😉

11. '' Je vois la vie en: Bleu, Blanc, Rouge''
weezo1 proud RAEist.

Until Tomorrow...