30 In 30 - Interview #17 - Wally Cleaver

Day 1,743, 17:39 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The series continues...

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden
3) CryingLightningPT
4) Chamrajnagar
5) GoranThrax
6) Wilhelm Gunter
7) Leo Balzac
8. Homer J. Simpson
9) Captain Kushskins
10) Dru Blood
11) Muglack
12) Ralph Kline
13) Addy Lawrence
14) Treian
15) Dennis McVicker
16) Crisfire

Today I give you...Wally Cleaver

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

Absolutely no idea. One day I just joined and the next I was on the crazy ride that is eCanada.

2) What made you choose your in game name?

I wanted a recognizable character (though I guess choosing a Cleaver makes me old. Do they even show reruns anymore? lol). I think Wally Cleaver works really well because on the show he started off really young an innocent but by the end he had grown up and that innocence was gone (at least as much as it could be in the Leave It To Beaver fantasy world). Looking back, I'd say that's how my progress in eRepublik has gone so far.

3) You're a bit of a controversial figure, what do you see your role as in eCanadian politics?

A bit? Oh, I'd say I'm a bit more than controversial. It's interesting though because while I certainly have those who treat me simply as a troll or Rolo-puppet who has nothing to offer eCanada, there are many people who realize that behind what I say there is real truth. So, what is my role in politics...I would say that while I tend to be harsh and critical in what I say, I am also the voice of reason. My approach certainly makes enemies, but it also garners a certain level of respect as most of the time what I write others are thinking and just not willing to say publicly. To me it shows a lot about the character of a person who simply writes what I say off as 'trolling'.

4) Which flavour of Cheerios is your personal favourite?

Apple Cinnamon, hands down. Though Honey-Nut isn't bad. Oooh, or Chocolate. Ah who am I kidding, I love them all (even the Multi-Grain one). MMmmm....Cheerios.

5) Lets settle something, are you and Rolo related to each other?

Nope, not at all.

6) Finish this sentence, "The one animal at the Toronto Zoo, most like me is..."

Hmm...haven't been to the zoo in forever (random semi-off topic comment). Anyways, I'd have to go with a giraffe (picked a random animal because I couldn't come up with a real answer 😛 )

7) If hollywood made a movie about eCan, who would play you in the movie?

Walton Goggins (Detective Shane Vendrell from the Shield) or Rupert Graves (Dominic Stone from V for Vendetta) depending on how 'evil' I was portrayed.

😎 Any regrets in your game play thus far?

Not really, other than I regret not getting to actually know the people behind the eCitizens sooner. Up until the past 6 months, I really didn't know anyone as anything other than their character, but recently, I've been spending more time actually chatting with people on a personal level rather than a roleplay level.

9) PC or Mac?

PC. Anyone who has a Mac and isn't in the gaming/music/movie/graphic design production business is a fool.

(editors note: I use a MAC 😛 )

10) If you could snap your fingers and wipe one country, who would it be?

Ireland - can't stand those people. Anyone who welcomes Matthew Gallagher and Ethel Rosencrantz doesn't deserve to have a country.

All I can think of is...Gee Wally! At any rate...lets leave it to Cleaver 😛
No matter what the critics say, I have gotten to know Wally on a more personal level and I have to say, he has been a lot of fun to know outside the role play...

PS - My Wife is still pissed that you showed me that GIANT Gummy Bear 😛

Until Tomorrow...