30 In 30 - Interview #13 - Addy Lawrence

Day 1,739, 17:00 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The series continues...

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden
3) CryingLightningPT
4) Chamrajnagar
5) GoranThrax
6) Wilhelm Gunter
7) Leo Balzac
8. Homer J. Simpson
9) Captain Kushskins
10) Dru Blood
11) Muglack
12) Ralph Kline

Today I give you...Addy Lawrence

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

I followed a general ad from facebook to this game. At the time I was a long-time fantasy sport player suffering from burn out and looking for a change, this game is way more interesting than fantasy sports.

2) So tell us...stick shift or automatic

Stick shift, not even close. My wife can't drive a stick so our family cars have always been automatics but my preference has always been standard. I fondly recall my old Celica, Ranger and Pony because they were standard. My wife never did catch on to "if you can't find 'em, grind 'em".

3) You've done a lot in this game...the one thing you take the greatest pride in accomplishing is?

Winning four CP elections in a row is one of the rarest feats accomplished in the game. It isn't easy and I put a lot of effort into it. Having the nerve to try for CP after losing three times already is a close second, I was worried about becoming Octavian!

4) When eating Spaghetti, should one use just a fork or should one use both a spoon and a fork?

Spoon and fork. Having married into an Italian family, I run the risk of branding myself a "mange cake" if I don't use a spoon. I used to be a fork soloist though so I appreciate both sides of this one.

5) If we asked your wife to describe you using 3 words, she would tell us...?

Competitive, procrastinator, and so handy!!!

6) If you could design a mission in game, what would it be?

Publish an article that gets at least X votes for five days in a row where X is 5% of your country's population, article must have 500 words and not earn any forfeit points.

7) The one thing that keeps you motivated to play this game is?

At this point, the relationships. I haven't invested as much in new ones lately but the old ones run deep. I have also spent a lot of time and money invested in the character, tough to throw that away. I have a few things on my ebucket list to do as well (Top Fighter medal, Society Builder medal, and emillionaire)

😎 Is it really poor Guy code for two men to share a bottle of wine or an

Bottle of wine is a bigger violation that than umbrella, even though you can share the wine in relative anonymity. If you get caught by your friends doing either, the umbrella scenario is way easier to explain away.

9) The one thing about V1 you miss the most is?

Scarcity. I miss the scarcity of resources that characterized V1, and this is quite deep. Scarcity was pervasive in V1; you only had one work click, orgs could only own one of each type of company, production levels were very modest, national currencies not only existed but they were in limited supply and relevant to game play and congress could have an impact on monetary policy, you had to resign from congress if you traveled outside the country, all elections were tougher to win because there were many more players, and wars were much less common because they were expensive to start and to fight in. Scarcity enabled erep to have an economy.

10) You're fondest memory of the CPF would be?

The SVT activities on congress election night and kicking DAL's butt when they outnumbered us 2 to 1. We would consistently win 10 to 12 seats with 300 members and lead all parties while DAL would win 6 to 8 with 700 plus members. We had a very large demographic of players who appreciated the mechanics of the game and took advantage. Very fun to win as the underdog.

Thanks again Addy, both on matters in game and in RL you have been a constant and reliable friend and resource. Continued success to you and your family always.

Until Tomorrow...