30 In 30 - Interview #11 - Muglack

Day 1,737, 16:35 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The series continues...

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden
3) CryingLightningPT
4) Chamrajnagar
5) GoranThrax
6) Wilhelm Gunter
7) Leo Balzac
8. Homer J. Simpson
9) Captain Kushskins
10) Dru Blood

Today I give you...Muglack

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

A friend of mine told me about. I signed up so I could be Mayor of Yellowknife, my RL hometown. As it turned out they got rid of Mayors at the end of Beta, so I missed it by a couple months, 3 years and counting later, here I am.

2) Muglack....how did you arrive at that for an in game name?

Random name generator in Everquest. It spat out Mogluck, I changed it to Muglack. It's been 13 years, and I'm still the only one I've ever seen online.

3) Red Wine or White Wine?

Wine is disgusting. They take perfectly good delicious grape juice and ruin it by turning it into wine.

4) Being one who is never afraid to say what you think, what do you think of the political scene in eCanada?

I think it's a joke. When your politics hit a point where quality, competent people don't even bother to run anymore because it's not worth the hassle you have real issues. When you have a player that can come back after leaving your country 11 months, and the game 9, and win your CP elections without any serious opposition, it's safe to say that your political scene is completely dead. I mean, 9 votes to get into congress last month. Can anyone look at that and honestly say that our political system is alive and well?

5) What was the last thing you had in your right hand before you started this interview?

A salt and vinegar chip, with a slight lingering residue from the condensation off my ice cold can of root beer. And for everyone who's saliva glands turned on when they thought about salt and vinegar chips, you're welcome.

(editors note: I actually had that happen...my mouth suddenly filled with saliva lol)

6) In your opinion, who has been the most influential eCanadian this game has ever seen to date?

Influence is a hard thing to measure. The person that's directly effected policy, direction, and decision making in this country would probably be Rolo. I don't think anyone could argue otherwise. But as a caveat I'd like to take a little credit myself. Because if Rolo is George W. Bush, there is no question that I'm Karl Rove.

7) Do you think Rolo deserves the negative press he gets or is he someone who actually forces some good to come of things in eCanada?

Has he earned the negative press? Absolutely. The list of things he's done is unbelievable. The next 5 greatest "Villains" combined don't start to equal what he's done. The problem it hasn't forced eCanada to do anything. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twenty-seven times, shame on me. Also, the fact that he thrives off negative press, and people keep giving it to him is mind boggling to me.

😎 If you could have a sit down, face to face, interview with just one player, who would it be and why?

I don't know about interview, but the list of people from this game that I would actually sit down and hang out with is pretty short. Most people say TemujinBC, but I'm pretty sure he's a sex offender, I mean, I don't have proof, but I get that vibe. Personally the three people I would legit sit down and drink beer with are Saltydog, Wally Cleaver, and Leo Balzac.

9) The one aspect of this game that really pisses you off is?

The people. This game would be great if it was populated by idiots.

10) Give me one word that best describes the real man behind the screen


Thanks Mugsy. I have to say, of the list of people I have, this was one interview I was looking forward to seeing come to fruition. You're definitely one of the more interesting and layered characters in this game!

Until Tomorrow...