30 In 30 - Interview #10 - Dru Blood

Day 1,736, 16:05 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

The series continues...

The Interviews so far (Click the names to access the article):

1) MaryChan
2) Alexander Rearden
3) CryingLightningPT
4) Chamrajnagar
5) GoranThrax
6) Wilhelm Gunter
7) Leo Balzac
8. Homer J. Simpson
9) Captain Kushskins

Today I give you...Dru Blood

1) How did you get sucked into this game?

I was searching for role playing games and eRepublik popped up on a game list. I played this game first as Cold Hearted Snake, starting on December 16, 2009, that persona was banned for having 2 bot ‘friends’. I was determined not to return to the game due to Admins actions, but mostly due to one citizen who I opposed; instead it turned into a hiatus for some months and I then returned as Dru Blood on July 17 2011.

2) I see you open most article with a call for Bourbon...is this your regular IRL drink of choice?

Actually, they begin with where I am pecking out the current article; I usually close my articles with a call for a straight shot of Kentucky Bourbon and yes it is my favorite drink.

3) As someone who has spent most if not all their time in the eUS, who would you rank as the best 3 PotUS's you have ever seen?

I usually do not remember a single good President, but rather a period where several Presidents conduct government business in such a manner that America is a world leader, is RESPECTED by our allies, friends and Brothers and feared by our enemies. Such a period would be the era of the ‘Three Pillars Campaign’, there was Emerick, Gaius Julius, Jewitt and many others who were all ‘good’ President; currently I would say that America is none of the above and incapable of such military action. Presidents, however, can do nothing without the backing of Congress, a Congress controlled by a group of players who do not even play eRepublik; instead they have created a ‘meta game’ on the eUnited States Forum (A forum which is paid for by this same group)and have stolen the American Treasury and where any dissent is trolled, bullied and censored into silence.

4) Your writing in the media is very good quality. Has writing been a part of your RL as well?

Yes, writing was a big part of my life professionally and as a retired Gentleman Squire I spend my days smokin Havanas, sipping bourbon and writing articles for eRepublik.

5) What made you choose the avatar you have chosen?

As you can see my Avatar is Tim Roth, I chose him first because I like him as an actor; but mostly because of his television show ‘Lie to Me’ where he played Cal Lightman. Lightman is a human lie detector who uses behavioral psychology and body language to find the truth, it is Cal Lightman’s dogged search for the truth that lead me to chose him.

6) For those who don't know, can you re-explain your in game name choice?

The oldest of my nephew’s surname is Blood, which I had always thought a very cool last name; my youngest nephew’s first name is Drew. Besides being just to cool, it is a tribute to them.

7) Finish this sentence, "Of all the major National holidays, my personal favourite is...?

Christmas, I love watching people during this holiday and wondering if they made the naughty or nice list.

😎 What would people be surprised to know about the man behind Dru Blood?

I am very family oriented as my recent move to New York proves. I strive to be an honorable citizen both in RL and GL. I believe that all things come from Honor, without honor all things are lost.

9) If elected PotUS, what would be the single most important project you would undertake?

New player retention is by far the single most important and least understood aspect of this game. This is a social game and between Admin’s indifference to the Media Module and the Pfeifferist Cabals active desire to drive citizens away from the game the greatest aspect of this game is lost. Community interaction is what drives this game, as the recent Party President elections proves; a community working together can do anything.

10) what 3 pieces of advice would you give to any new player of this game?

Read newspapers, build and upgrade food factories until you can supply your daily food fights without help or purchasing food from the market; stay away from the eUnited States Forums unless you have very thick skin.

Thanks Dru! I know most of my subs are eCanadians and so with that, I strongly encourage you to friend Dru, and sub his newspaper. Not only are his articles intelligent and well crafted, but the man behind the screen has a crackling wit that I have quickly become incredibly fond of. I can honestly say I think I would enjoy a shot of bourbon and a stogie with you bro!

Until Tomorrow...