2nd Presidential Briefing - 7 Day TW With Australia

Day 1,482, 04:28 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by mortalbeta

Kia Ora My Fellow eKiwis

In my campaign article and 1st Presidential briefing I said to not expect a Natural Enemy bonus in the first week or two.

A couple of days ago Australia approached me about a short term training war. After a few talks with them we have agreed on a 7 day TW.

As they don't have a congress their proposal will automatically go through with the 1 vote of their President srg91
Australian Natural Enemy Proposal

All congressman are to vote YES on our proposal. New Zealand Natural Enemy Proposal

The rules of this training war are simple Attacker Losers, Defender Wins. I expect all eKiwis to follow this, and only fight hard when we are defending. If there are to be any future training wars with Aus we have to show them we will follow the rules, no matter what may happen.

They will attack first so all fighters load up with weapons and food and be prepared. I will inform you of when the attack by them is to begin.


The first 10 Kiwis lvl 25 and under to comment below will recive 5 q5 weapons and 100 q3 food from me.

Australian Article