[eUSA] The oligarchy that keeps you enslaved (RE-PUBLISHED)

Day 4,783, 16:02 Published in USA USA by Gaia Data

The "Blast from the past" series of articles will feature some of my old articles from other "incarnations", that were deleted by me or articles I have written and never published. These are original texts with grammar-corrections being the only edits. Comment are written in sub/sup.
Consider them an intermezzo between articles I write and publish today.
This one was published in January 2018 and then taken down by me, for whatever reasons I had.
It is unreal; it could have been written today and, besides some minor issues,
it would be as true as it was two years ago!!
The personal information from the linked WhoIs page has been redacted by the owner. But we know who he is. (Come, piggy, piggy. I make you bacon!)
The graphics were screenshots and animated gifs from John Carpenter's movie "They Live", but the links are broken, so I substituted them with a divider, because too much work.
Hope you'll enjoy it!

RIP: Roddy Piper
(You said once in an interview that this movie is a documentary, that it is REAL. Many made fun of you saying it, but I understood & believe you.)

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Dear citizens of the eUSA, fellow party-members, brothers & sisters

the article you're about to read is all about the state of affairs in our e-country. This isn't gonna be a short article, as I intend to properly inform you, share with you facts & background stories, that is somehow getting lost on the way, in order to draw a highly accurate picture of what is happening on our political stage, as well as behind the curtains. Let's start with the recent happenings.

1 There's something fishy regarding the congress election results

Some of you might have noticed something strange in the numbers of seats the T5 parties have scored a few days ago in the congress elections. While it cannot be expected that every member of any party will cast his vote accordingly, a very disproportionate result is the case when it comes to the SFP! All other parties had a vote-to-member ratio of 80% and higher (the highest case was with the Black Sheep, who scored over 95😵, but the Socialist Freedom Party scored only little above 60%. That means that well over 1/3 of the party members didn't vote in favor of their own party's congress roster. (Please keep in mind that not only T5 members voted in this election, but the spread of those votes can be viewed as equalized across the T5 spectrum.) Why do we have such an anomaly? I believe it won't come as a surprise, when I say the following: many members of the SFP voted for other T5 parties, because they are not true members, left leaning individuals that support this kind of politics, but outside agents, that were sent or placed inside the SFP, with other agendas in mind. Their job is mainly to secure the victory of the pre-picked "official" SFP PP candidates, election after election. Because of this "anonymous" voter-block, independent candidates have almost no chance to win the PP seat. Also notable: a few days ago a large portion of "new" members to the party were permanently banned (the ridiculous accusation of me being responsible for these accounts made the round) & we can only speculate who was behind this poor attempt to further falsify the internal members structure. Nevertheless, it should be now clear beyond any doubt that the SFP is under heavy influence of individuals & outside powers, that are in no way democratic, that don't wish any good to the party & that are continuously meddling in our internal party affairs, for whatever plausible reasons they might have (actually they have none, besides the intended power-grab to consolidate the elitist agenda). What you are expected to see is an increase of fear-mongering & psy-op accusations of an exiting PTO, all because of one reason: to trigger a false belief of uniting behind the corrupt party leadership, that is totally unable to lead us anywhere, because these people are lost, alienated from the members base & willingly or unconsciously being little puppets in the elitist game of deception & lies. The less you know, the less aspiration you have, the better are you suited to be put in charge. After all: why would the eUS hegemony desire a true opposition, intelligent & outspoken, with real plans & agendas, that would be an alternative to their crooked game-play? Which brings us to the next topic:

2 The evil behind the USWP scam & the ill logic behind it

After a long-time decline in membership & the inability to stop this trend, the masters of the USWP decided to pull off a new stunt: a name-change & re-branding of the party. Realizing that the meta-game centered around the infamous private forum is also coming to an end, because of the sheer corruption by the ruling elite, a group of players, that have continuously being in power, switching in-game seats in the executive & holding powerful meta-positions (because of the unquestioned acceptance of their imaginary power by the community), all with the premise to rule indefinitely & accumulate all the wealth there is, transferring every cent & dime to private accounts, without a hint of transparent book-keeping (more about this later) decided to bring their toxic meta-game into the real game, claiming to be the representatives of this dark & disgusting history of our e-nation. This scam, introduced by members of the party-elite, concentrates in making you believe that they represent the "government", that they have the legacy to claim the meta-game for themselves, luring players with bogus reasoning how we really need some made-up roles called SoH, IES, SCI a.s.o. We don't! It's another trick to convince the members of our community of their authority, in order to be accepted as the only solution, how this game should be played.
You need to know that once upon a time the meta-lords of the eUS community decided to hijack the real game to an off-site forum, privately held, introducing a meta-constitution, with rules & legislation that is opposing the game-mechanics! It is not by accident that Plato has given every congressman & congresswoman the right guaranteed by game mechanics to grant citizenship & to propose legislation in the game!
The elites took this away from you, hiding behind bureaucratic procedures & "laws". But when it comes to granting the entry into our country for the friends & sympathizers of the elite, no procedure is required. Just send a PM to Wild Owl & he will take care of it. That way, they can never be short of votes, they simply import them. Look how just recently a conspirator of the Cerb-scam of the SFP named potato 134 was re-admitted into the country, despite (or maybe because) of his role in the failed coup to destruct the SFP & all what it once stood for. This wicked game-play is the other side of the same coin, that I want to address now:

3 The forum-kleptocracy that is stealing our wealth

Just recently the meta-congress has passed another "rule" that forbids the in-game donation being less then the maximum amount of 400k cc. It stipulates that a reoccurring "offender" shall be "blacklisted" from the meta-forum & that would mean that all parties, who abide to these meta-rules, would never again let such congressmen be elected. You see, this is all the eUS hegemony cares about: huge tax-monies coming in, regularly donated to the CBO Org, from which they are transferred to the private accounts of the oligarchs. We have never seen public statements, in-game publishing about how much we have in our reserve, how & for what it is spent. This is theft in it's purest form, hidden behind crooked meta-laws, on shady forum sites, far away from the game. The absence of transparency & justification is another old lie: we are safe because our enemies don't know the amount of our reserves. And this is repeated over & over again, so the wide community even believes it. But that's not the case. Even a more "real" reason, the production bonuses combined with big commune-owners from all over the e-world having their production in the eUSA, won't help us not getting wiped. Why? Because of the spineless double-faced coat-turning deceptive & dishonest foreign policy our oligarchs, disguised as our leadership, are known for in the whole e-world. We turn as the wind blows. And we will even talk trash about yesterday's allies & suck up to every enemy, that will become a threat to us or desires revenge, because of our back-stabbing & treason. Or how the elites call it: the Wild Owl doctrine.
This forum is a disgrace to the game & it should be forbidden to share it's link in eRepublik. Bully-attacks, slander, names-calling, personal attacks & racism are a common occurrence, that everyone going there should get accustomed with. Just when we thought that Kemal's wearing a so called Islamic state avatar, depicting their now killed leader Al-Baghdadi, someone else comes & steals the horror show! Yes, this is for the forum owner & admins a perfectly acceptable avatar. Nobody will criticize you for wearing something like this, nobody will ask you to take it off or replace it! And judging by the amount of posts this fellow has made, he is well established in the meta-community, maybe even a role-model others look up to. It's evidently pro-fascist & an insults not only one's good taste. Simply disgusting. Ladies & gentlemen, this is the forum Gnilraps talks about in superlatives, praising it for it's high standards!
But let me stay on-topic & give you more information about the despicable forum.
First of all, the forum is owned by a once active player. You can take a look who it is, simply by following this
WHOIS link here (IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ADMINS & GAME MODS: Don't even try to pull off some shenanigans here! The data is public knowledge & I hereby do not reveal any information that isn't already publicly available!!). Now this person is working in IT & knows more then enough about handling & administering forum servers. What some of you might not know: a forum admin can gather much more data about you, then your email & IP address, information that you don't want to share with other people! I have been witnessing browser attacks & tracking attempts during the time I was visiting that place, which were blocked only because of a very solid security configuration on my gaming PC. Be aware that nothing what you write or post on that forum remains private, not even PM conversation with other members. Once I've even witnessed of an attempt to make an inquiry into RL data from a paying customer through friendly eRepublik staff!! This forum-gang is basically a group of thugs & cheaters! They administer multiple accounts & bot-farms (some even admit it openly), share login-passwords (every CP & ex-dictator has done so) & use the treasury & tax-funds for their own purposes. And it's done, because we let them! Which brings us to the next point:

4 How the game was privatized & the infrastructure stolen

Time ago, some of you still remember, our country had a state sponsored military unit: the e-US army & the rookie brigade for beginners, known as Flight Training. The MU had numerous factories & RAW companies, commune work was obligatory & it was always the CP who was in command. Little by little, a subtle propaganda campaign was orchestrated to convince the public that we don't need such an MU, that it is too expensive, that it doesn't deliver the needed damage in battles & that such strategy was obsolete. Because the greed of the elitists is unmeasurable! It was not only the financing, that was stopped by congressional decision. Up till today it's remains a mystery where all that infrastructure ended up & how a private citizen & ex-Potus became the owner & commander of that MU, under which rule it eroded (and keeps eroding) to the status of an insignificant MU, regarding membership, activity & damage likewise. But what was kept off the radar was something far more troubling!
You see: if a miracle would happen & a honest CP would get elected to lead our country, he would be at the mercy of the private military junta, best represented by the EZC MU. How would (s)he be able to wage a war, with no power over the military? If the oligarchs would decide to undermine a president elect & chose not to follow orders, nothing could be done; the presidency would end in a complete fiasco & the benefit would be the easy-to-attribute blame-game. This was another perfidious coup, a kind of "safety-handle" by the power-hungry control-freaks, in order to secure military power, even if political power would be lost. What they are ready to do, in order to secure that political power is absolutely crazy & I'll elaborate it in the next chapter.

5 Election rigging by usage of multi-accounts & bot-farming in the eUSA

Many times in the past elections have been rigged in our country, that's an undisputed fact. The elite is famous for their "unity" voting scams, that were done in the open. Pre-picked suitable candidates were introduced by media-hype even after the so-called PTO was over, forcing the only true public opinion onto the large public & shoveling the necessity of this abhorrent system down our throats with much vigor & fierceness. Then, for a long time, we had a congress without power, because of the great lie how a "defensive" dictatorship is the only way we can be safe. Vote rigging in democratic elections is done differently & we shall concentrate on CP elections only, not because party & congress elections are spared of this malice, but because we have statistical & mathematical proof at hand that can confirm this. The graph you are about to see are taken from the eRepublik Germany website, a tool accessible for everyone & a thorn in the eye of the elite, because of the easy to get data-analysis, that shows their dirty deeds evidently. Please, take a look at the first image:

Graphics are missing & couldn't retrieve them. Sorry.

You see that spike, where Derp got so many votes in such a short time? That defies probability! The vote-sample before that spike was large enough to predict a very tight run & such a bump is in-explainable. The only way something like this happens is when a large party or MU coordinates it's members, so all vote in a scheduled time-frame, which clearly wasn't the case. Another theft & even much more severe & therefor more obvious happened here:

Again, graphics are missing & could not find them. But if you don't believe the general narrative, even graphics would not convince you think otherwise. Right?

And again it's Derp, who is taking the lead with an obvious multi-bump at 08:00! The distribution of votes changes dramatically in a single moment so to speak, which is very, very, very unlikely, because of a large enough "sample" we have until the spike occurs. The easiest way to explain that something's wrong is to show you an election, where no tampering & foul-play was involved. Like this one:

Once more: sorry for the missing graphics, couldn't find it anywhere. But you get the "picture".

Here you see Derp wining (by default, if I may say so) & the graph shows a steady growth, without extreme spikes. Because here it was unnecessary to "fire-up" the bot-army, as the winner could have been determined early on, a CP run without a challenge for the establishment's candidate. Now you will probably ask: who's operating them, who's in control? I'll do something very untypical for me & answer this with a question: who's benefited the most from the 4 times in-a-row presidency of Derp? Keep in mind the account sharing between the elites & keep in mind Derp's inability to calculate the best Q prices for food & his misunderstanding of essential game mechanics. Who's tool was he? Who is his mentor? Still no bells ringing? I will reveal more in one of my next article & conclude that it is very hard to trace these bot-farms, because they use a script running on a remote server with it's own unique IP address.

This .jpeg is another clue to find out who's the "mastermind" behind those farming activities.
Click on image!

At the end, I'm going to share some prophetic wisdom, because I know how it goes. In the comment section below, you will see a lot of personal attack coming my way, endless trolling & nothing substantial about what I have written. You'll see people derailing the issues I've brought into light, making false accusations & putting much effort into invalidate everything that's said. What you won't see: counter-arguments that negate my thesis, based on logic & common sense or any meaningful debate in a civil manner! This should not come as a surprise, because it's the old & well known strategy: attack the messenger to disprove the message. It has worked very well for the elite in the past, why stop now, right?

Until next time I send you greetings & wish you happy gaming!

Joey Ramone
Johnny Ramone
Dee Dee Ramone
Tommy Ramone