25th Congress's Congressional Checkup

Day 792, 06:46 Published in USA USA by Crash and Burn Industries

Once again congressional election time is upon us. Before we end this term I would like to share the results of the most recent congressional checkup with you.

Here is a great graphic provided by the one and only Rheinlander

Ladies and Gentlemen, your congress

Candidate Territory Score
Zcia Florida 3
Woxan California 3
Angelini Georgia 3.75
Stormin Washington 3.5
Aersidius Kansas 3.75
Cawagula Nebraska 2.6
James R Minn 3.5
Livingabroad Kentucky 3
Civil Anarchy New Jersey 3.5
Iksan H North Dakota 2.8
Killing Time Arkansas 2.7
Rekeri New Mexico 2.7
Ligtreb New York 4.5
Panther Texas 3.7
PigInZen West Virginia 3.7
Cromstar Pennsylvania 4.15
Jonathon R Iowa 3.25
Robert L Gansu 3.3
AidenAstrup Mass 4
Tyler Buublar Lousiana 2
Lord Pariah Mississippi 2.9
Sleeve Utah 3.7
Timothy B Hawaii 3.5
Maxx J Alaska 3.8
Evan Feinman Virginia 3.8
eliwood_sain Oklahoma 3.5
Greene12 Wyoming 2.9
CenCom SU 2
Jacob S Maine 2.8
Max M2 Ohio 4.7
Iasov QIN? 3.2
St Krems Idaho 4.8
Devoid New Hampshire 4.3
Myles R Maryland 3.8
Ceso fillireb ZHE 3.5
Indrae S Dakota 3.2
Clevinger Missouri 3.3
Brent Abernathy SICH 2.75
mjdiv Rhode Island 3
Rheinlander Michigan 4.6
Devan Kronos Montanao 4.1
sydiot Nevada 4.8
Joe Lansing Illinois 2.9
Daniel Dodge Colorado 3.7
DanielCD Wisconsin 4
Dodgercatcher DC 3.5
Dr. Tango S Carolina 4.2
Emmanuel C Arizona 3.6
sonofup1 XIANG 2.8
BTuck20 Indiana 2.4
Illithian Oregon 3.4
Herrn Sterling Vermont 3.7
DisDick N Carolina 3.6
rainy sunday Connecticut 3.8
Guais LU 2
Serendipitous Alabama 3.5
Bradley Reala Tennessee 3

Average score for all of congress is 3.4 this term

The Top 5 congressmen this month are
Sydiot - 2nd time being number 1
St Krems
Max McFarland 2

This just shows you no one party has the best congressmen, but our quality is in all parties and groups.

You can compare this terms scores against past scores here -
24th Congress's Congressional Checkup
23rd Congress's Congressional Checkup

How the Survey is done -
Each congressman is asked to submit a score for his fellow congressmen from 1-5, 1 being poor, 3 average and 5 great. If deemed, they can submit a 0 for those they feel should not be in congress.
We ask all congressmen to participate in order to get a general feel, no one person's or parties feelings, but a general feeling from all of congress.

I would like to thank the 25 congressmen who were kinda enough to take their time, check their PM's and take the survey. I hope to get better participation next month, but I take what I can get. I would like to thank St Krems, the congressional whip. He was kind enough to send this survey out to all congressmen. And last, again I would like to thank Rheinlander for make the graphic. It really does make the report better.