2 for 2 anyone?[Congress Presentation]

Day 1,641, 20:47 Published in Canada Canada by Ardikus V2

Welcome back to my Newspaper everyone!
As easily noticeable I am an NPG supporter, this is shown by the [NPG] tags on many of my more recent articles. This one, however, is my Congress Article. It will inform you of what I wish to do in Congress for the next month if elected. So, without further ado, here are my goals for next month:

Social Goals:
-As always, we need to find new ways to increase the number of newborns who actually stick around and become good players. They are, in my opinion, the most valuable resource in the game.
-I hope to use my newspaper to inform you of what I have done in Congress with weekly updates, as has been done by a few congress members this month. I have this paper, I might as well use it to show what I have done and confirm my activity.

Political Goals:
-I have placed some support in the idea of a Ministry of Immigration(MoImm) recently, as the topic arose. I do think that it would be a useful Ministry if used properly and given the right job description. During the next month I hope to continue works to find a version of this Ministry that could be effective, and implement it.
-I of course will support honesty in Congress, as well as eCanada in general, and place support in proposals that would be effective in reducing corruption and other such problems.

Economic Goals:
-Of course, keeping taxes the best they can be will be an objective, although with the current economic system(Or rather lack of one) nothing much can be done to improve these things.
-Supporting a budget that will improve the situation in eCanada on as many fronts as possible.

Military Goals:
-Support Sperry's "Sexy War" and other wars that benefit eCanada as well as TEDEN. Teamwork and making sure good communication is used with our allies will be a priority.
-As always, support the funding and growth of Military Units.

I apologize for the big grouping of text, and my apology comes in the form of a picture:

Yes, we are in the process of fixing eCanada. Although it would be best if you aid this process, rather than standing back.

-Ardikus V2