2-Clicker 2-Minute Coffee Summary - 15 January, Friday

Day 787, 08:39 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

Some of my readers asked whether they should get an "org", and what an org is good for. First, what is an org? The rules are on the erepublik wiki. An org is sort of like a citizen, but cannot fight, vote, work, and has no wellness. An org can hold raw materials, have friends, own companies, gift and donate. It costs 5 gold to create an org and a player can have as many orgs as he or she wants (ouch, it used to cost 2 gold!).

Why would a 2-clicker want an org?

An org is indispensable if you want to own a company. Most players will let the org own the company, then they can work for the company, or another company.

An org is very useful if you are in the army. That's what convinced me to start one (the 2-clicker, of course!).

You can use an org to store additional inventory. So if you have more than 20 things, you can put some in the org. Or if you want have some Q5 weapons but don't want to use them today, you can donate them to the org until you're ready to use them (like ... when we attack Heilongjiang again!).

An org is a convenient gifting partner. If your wellness is 94 and you want to fight at 100, buy 6 gifts and donate them to your org, then gift them back to yourself. Voila, instant partner! By the way, you can't log in to your player account and your org at the same time on the same browser, but you can use a different browser; say firefox to log into one account and IE for the other.

You can also use an org to buy goods from foreign markets. This is what convinced me. The army deployed me overseas, I ran out of food and had no local currency, then found out I couldn't buy on the US market. So I donated money to my org, had it buy food, then donate the food back.

I've also used the org to help out noobies by donating and gifting. Sometimes when somebody asks, and sometimes when I happen to see a player suffering.

Speaking of suffering, please read today's Army Times for a discussion of the disaster in Haiti. Today, we are all Haitians!

And as a followup to my quick summary yesterday of Asia, Astra Kat gave a comprehensive update in her Shining in the Darkness.

And another way to use an org, run a raffle! Check this article from the eUSA Clearing House. Support your army with the chance to win a Q1 house.

Zheng He